Wednesday 7 September 2011


It's been a week of restless nights and lots of work for me.  My 'to do' rail is still full and as yet I've only managed one little African girl's dress this week.  Most night's M starts contracting after tea and has got them down to every 3 minutes before yet again they ease off and she manages a restless night's sleep.  This means the rest of us as you can imagine are waiting for a phone call 24/7.  These little twinnies really are playing games with us all aren't they?

So? What is on my desk today?

My 'to do' rail has....
  • 5 dresses, all needing altering
  • 1 pair jeans needing shortening
  • a really nice pair white trousers that need shortening [or was it the owner of the trousers that was really nice?  :-) ]
  • a top that needs repairs
Looks like another busy day for me doesn't it?

My box that I keep the cut out little dresses is now full to overflowing.  Twiglet and I keep cutting out dresses from all the lovely material we've got to play with and bagging them up into dress packs.....then she has taken lots of them home with her cos just lately she has been the only one with any spare time to make them.  I am desperate to delve into my box full to run a few up but something always seems to get in the way.  No rush....they will get made and little African girls will always need dresses wont they?

This is the only little dress I've managed to make this week.  It's number 68 for me and I've made it with a lovely yellow pillow case Elizabeth send me.  I've prettied it up with some of the lovely material Sarah bought for us from Holland.  I'm sure this will make one very lucky little girl smile.

I snapped this pic on Saturday and thought you'd like to see that even Boots is setting up their offers just for 2 packs of nappies get 1 free......just perfect for Grandparents expecting 3 new grandchildren within the next 5 weeks eh?
M will defiantly be having the twinnies within the next 3 weeks cos they are inducing her at 38 weeks and A should have her little boy in about 5 weeks.....ooer it makes me all excited just thinking about it  :-)  I can't wait.

My last pic is one of our yummy fresh tomatoes just ones, green ones and orange ones....all warm and sweet and tasting like nothing you buy in the shops......Please help yourself and enjoy one with your lunch today.

Thanks for dropping in.  Please leave me a message before you pop over to visit Julia and all the other WOYWWers.  Have a great week.


  1. Yummy - I will definitely be down for some tomorrow!!! PS - M is not being defiant is she?? and she is too big for a smack. lol

  2. I think the twins are being very sensible, it is nice and warm where they are and they don't want to come out to any cold weather (it is miserable up north - rain and wind). Joking apart, sorry M is having bad nights. Poor girl is going to be exhausted when they do arrive.
    Thanks for the tommie, it did taste good and congrats on your 68th dress.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #4

  3. I can feel your excitement coming through the blog!! This really brings home the meaning of the phrase 'pregnant pause' doesn't it?? Hope everyone stays well :) xx

  4. not long now, gosh I feel all tingly and I'm just watching from afar!

    I love the orange tomatoes they are so sweet..not sure i ever grew green ones, but I did do the back ones - they taste amazing


  5. Well done Boots. Not long now. Twins must be extra comfy in there, bet M isn't though.

  6. Sorry I have been away for such a long time, life has taken over and I just couldn't do the commenting - Back now full time! Love your little dress and those tomatoes look sooo yummy! He, he looks like Boots has heard about your up coming grandees!!!
    Lots of hugs,

  7. I'd just love a nice bit of cheese and tomato, thanks.

    Hope M is managing to get some rest. My niece is having problems with circulation cut off if she lies down for too long.

    ** kate **

  8. So glad the twins are managing to stay put. I had to laugh re the 'M's ....I got confused for a moment. take care and keep picking up bargains.xx

  9. Slurp - thanks for the tomato, it was lovely! Great timing by Boots - fingers still crossed here! Hugs, Di xx

  10. I'm gonna make soup with my tomato. Thanks! Totally understand your anxious excitement, bet you're a bit on the exhausted side!

  11. Wow thats one busy blog post exciting all these babies due soon :0)
    Kate x

  12. What an exciting time. Congrats on all the dressmaking for a great cause.

    Happy WOYWW
    Carol C

  13. Ooohhhh!!! exciting for you...i wonder how you manage to concentrate on work! xx

  14. Yes, you do, indeed, sound like a busy girl! I love that little yellow dress!

  15. Oh, I'm excited for you. :) 3 new grandkids! And that yellow dress looks fantastic. :)

  16. Ooooh exciting times for you and your family!! The yellow dress you managed to squeeze in is lovely!! Sooo cute! good luck with your "to do" rail. Tom's look lovely... Thanks for sharing x

  17. Hiya Wipso-surprise. Have been having a sort of catch up to try and work out what you were on about. Well well congrats to all and am looking forward to seeing the little lovelies. The toms look delish. Do you have a greenhouse with a lovely tomatoey smell.Get very nostalgic and think of pinching out sideshoots, watering pollinating, opening and closing windows with my lovely Dad. Happy days. Hugs BettyXXX

  18. I thought you had been a bit quite this week but given all that’s going on I’m not surprised. I guess you really want ‘M’ to hang on as long as she possible can but on the other hand the stress must be almost unbearable.

    Thinking of you all.


  19. I hope they manage to stagger all baby arrivals so you can treasure them all!I have invested in a sewing machine and having only ever made cushions eyeing up many possibilities, thinking I'll start with bags and see how I get on but clothes are on the agenda too :)

  20. Wow, how exiting, loads of grand Children On their way! Keep us posted, baby news and pict. Are always Too cute and fun.
    No rush in making dresses, priority to your family ;-)

    Greets, marjolein

  21. Mmmmm, that tomato was wonderful on the Penne pasta I had for lunch, thanks. Glad to see you are so busy, but perhaps a little down time is needed.

  22. Great tomatoes! Hope M helps you out soon - sounds like you all need a good rest!

  23. Seeing as you still have lots of tomatoes left I thought I might take a few for my tea!
    Looking forward to meeting the twinnies - I feel like an Aunt in waiting here!!

  24. Exciting times. I hope you're all getting lots of sleep in while you can :)
    twiggy x

  25. Oooh well done on 68 dresses, those tomatoes look yummy and with 3 grandchildren on the way I think you will need more nappies!

  26. 68 dresses? Best get my finger out and going double time. On dressess 4&5 at the moment. Don't know how you and sis manage it. Just stewed some lovely plumbs up from a load a friend gave me. Should go down a treat with a nice bowl of icecream.
    Yum. Hugs Mrs A.

  27. Hi there Annie, yes the "tommi-ar-toes" look very delectable indeed and love the lemon dress made with Elizabeth's pillow case. well done - and praying those twinnies will be have and not put everyone on tenterhooks! Happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x

  28. Hi, you do have a busy workload and together with the imminent arrival of the twins the distraction is probably a blessing - better than chewing your nails!! Love the little dress you made from the yellow pillow-case I sent - so pretty. Tomatoes are my favourite 'vegetable', even green ones, and yours look scrumptious. Hope your week is a good one and that the twins give their mum & gran a good night's sleep. Elizabeth x #50


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