Thursday 3 February 2011

A promising post....

I hear you saying....Why is this 'A promising post'?    What is she promising now?  :-)

Well I have started my day off well this morning and hoped to share a few positive thoughts with you.  I opened my curtains to see a slight blanket of white on the ground in the churchyard opposite our house and just has to go and investigate.  This is what I found...

Go on click on the picture for a closer look cos there really is so much promise just in that one picture.  I have then snapped just a few of the clumps that were out slightly further.

Aren't they so pretty ?  .....and each one comes full of promise of warmer weather on its way.....yes, Spring really is just around the corner.  Yahoooooo

Then as I walked back up our front garden I spotted yet more promise.

These are Bluebells shooting skyward......

....and Tulips emerging from their wintry home.....

......and Daffodil bulbs making steady progress upwards.

Oh and the promise doesn't stop there for me  :-)  

 This is my 'to do' rail first thing this morning.  Shhhhh don't tell anyone 'cos they will all come running to fill it for me.  Do you think it means I will have time to 'play ' today?  Would be nice.

S from Snaps and Snippets asked to see the posh floaty dress I was working on yesterday so here is a quick snap of it.  It''s an evening dress but would make a really pretty Wedding dress too.

So my friends,  a post full of promise to share with you all today.  Hope you have a great day and come back soon.


  1. Wonderful! None up here yet - must be a degree or so colder - Just below the snowline!!

  2. How lovely. My mother just adores snowdrops & had hundreds in her old garden - should really try to do one of those snowdrop walks....perhaps this year we will.

  3. Thanks for sharing your promising start this morning, the snowdrops are such a positive sign. I've started my day with a trip to the hygenist (yuck) who says my front teeth need refilling - one of the most painful things I've ever had done(eek!)
    Looking around me I see a tete-a-tete daffodil in flower on the kitchen windowsill and I will try to follow your example and refocus my positivity!

    ** Kate **

  4. A floral promise...what could be nicer. Thanks for the lovely tour and reminder that it is not long now!!!!!!

    Hope you can have a chance to play until your heart is content.
    Thanks for your comments yesterday.
    Thursday is a good day all round it seems. There are quite a few happy blog friends out there today.
    Have a good one.
    Sue xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Spring must be on it way! Yes I think you may be able to 'play' today!
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  6. Oh that dress is lovely, and floaty like an angel I bet. It looks like you've already enjoyed your day looking around; being caught up (however long it lasts) is uplifting, isn't it. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  7. What's the betting that we'll get 6 feet of snow & all will be covered up!! just to remind us that we're a long way off Spring really. (miserable bugger aren't I) LOL! xxx

  8. its amazing how a few bulbs peeping through the frozen ground can brighten us up

    love teen x

  9. Awe, I spotted some snowdrops the other day! They really do lift the spirits don't they Annie xxx

  10. Oooh that is a very promising start Annie!

    On our Monday dog walk we usually go through the bluebell fields and we always look to see the first sign of them but up until last Monday there was still no sign whatsoever!
    And we did a different walk today as I wasnt able to walk far so missed looking for them :(

    Lovely white sheer dress, such a lot of work has gone into it so it fits her beautifully now, the bill could never ever reflect the true amount of time could it!

    Keryn x

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