Wednesday 2 February 2011


Happy February to one and all.  Where do these weeks go?.....answers on a post card please.

Here we are on the best day of the week where we can link up with fellow bloggers all round the world thanks to our Queen of snoop, Julia.  She really started something didn't she?  Last week was another record for numbers and it is now getting so big that, unless you have many hours spare it is impossible to get round everyone.  Alas I only managed the first 100 last week so many apologies to those I missed.  I do try to pop in on as many as possible every week and to welcome as many new members I can find.  I have to say I am hooked on the Wednesday activities and really love seeing what you're all up to each week.  There really are very many really talented folk out there.

Now onto what you've really come here for....What IS on my work desk today?.....

This is the latest poppy pic I started on our Funday Monday...still got to finish dumfing and then bead the middles of the flowers before mounting it but I rather like how it's going.

My 'to do' rail is full with skirts and trousers all needing taking in cos this customer has lost weight and none of them fit her. 

I have just finished altering this had far too much material in the skirt and too many gathers so I've had to detach the skirt from the bodice, remove 10" of fabric and regather the skirt and then reattach it to the looks much better now so hope she likes it.

My WIP for today is a really beautiful floaty dress.....I'm having to take it up on the shoulders, take it in on the sides of the bodice [including realigning a concealed zip] and sew up the front so it isn't quite so revealing.  It has several layers of fabric so it's pretty tricky to keep it all lying flat but I love a challenge  :-)  This lady runs a charity dance every year so I usually alter a posh frock for her for the event....this year she bought her dress in the sale.....too big but she knows I can make it fit her  :-)

Thanks for calling in and for all your lovely comments.  Hope I can find time to call back to see what you're up to....I will do my best I promise.


  1. I wish I had to take my clothes in!!! xxx

  2. You have a very colour co-ordinated work rail today!

    ** Kate **

  3. I think your new poppie pic is going to be fabulous. Good luck with all the altering.

  4. good luck with all that altering, sorry i dont have an answer to where the week goes

    thanks for the snoop
    Judie 58

  5. Great pics! Wish I had a sawing machine. :)

    Thank you for sharing. Have a great Woyww!


  6. Those poppies are beautiful!

  7. I love your poppy creations and you are clever being able to do all those alterations.
    Sue xx 66

  8. Another lovely poppy picture! It looks beautiful so far!
    Looks like you have quite a bit of altering to do on your rack! I am sure it will make a lot of people happy when it is all done :)
    xoxo Karen (#69)

  9. Phew - here I am at last! Why do I always end up like a plate spinner!! Maybe I needed to get up earlier - lol.

  10. Love your new poppy picture, beautiful!!

  11. Your poppy picture looks amazing!
    Your client looks like she likes blue!Good luck with the alterations!
    Have a great WOYWW!

  12. The poppy picture is sooo beautiful, I think the poppies just lend themselves so well to dumfing. Thanks for always popping in and saying hi. I agree it is getting harder to get around to everyone. Have a lovely woyww

  13. Love the poppies :) I'm sure she is going to be pleased to be able to wear favourite clothes again!
    xoxo Sioux

  14. It looks like you have lots going on, you look busy, busy, busy!! Love the look of that Poppy picture, its gorgeous.
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #88

  15. You have so much lovely things on your desk - that white dress looks really beautiful! And your poppies - I am a big fan! Thank you for offering the doll face but I think it might take too long to travel to Slovenia and by then I might be on holiday! ( will blog about that)! I hope I will find some today when I go to that shop out of town!
    Have a lovely day!
    Lots of hugs

  16. I love your poppy pictures. Can we see this one when it's finished.


  17. Love those poppy pictures too! Great space! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Wish I lived nearer for you to work your magic on my clothes - sadly letting them out rather than taking them in.
    Love your poppies - did you see the ones Donna Dewbury painted that I featured on my blog the other day?

  19. That looks like a beautiful floaty dress ....btw ... where do you get thread that looks as though it is on cotton reels ????lol

  20. Fab pics as usual - it's such a treat to see what you're up to and to read all about the things you're busy with

  21. Hi Wipso

    Family crisis here (my Step-Mum, who lives well over 300 miles away, collapsed yesterday so am waiting to see the next step once I speak to the hospital again today) but wanted to say again how truly fabulous the poppy pictures are in real life!! I know 'cos you so generously sent me one (with other super goodies) as part of Pay It Forward. I won't be playing WOYWW today :( - bit too much else going on. Di xx

  22. gorgeous stiching work as normal, great workspace, happy woyww, thank you for sharing (#9)

  23. Oh, that poppy picture looks so wonderful!

  24. wow, i was impressed with myself making a christmas decoration and all that entailed was stitching 3 sides together.

    You really are so very creative with those poppies too

    caroline #112

  25. Hi hun
    your busy as ever, another gorgeous poppy piccie, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(36)

  26. You are so clever, the fabric for the floaty dress looks lovely. I've not had to take in any clothes yet but have had to buy some new jeans as my old ones were hanging off me. Hugs Pam x

  27. I hope you show us the floaty dress when you're done.

  28. Love the poppies. Am saving up my pennies as fast as I can for my very own Dumfer.
    Hope you got to keep the material you cut out of the dress!!
    Hugs Mrs A. #82.

  29. I love your poppies. They are such happy flowers and I miss the nice red poppies that popped up (hence the name I guess) all over the place in Germany. Although our Californian poppies here are very beautiful, too, and come really early in the year.

  30. Hi Annie. Loving our poppies piece. How nice to be able to work from home doing what you love! Thanks for visiting my desk. Happy WOYWW! #15

  31. Hi Annie,

    I wish my dresses were too big - I am on a serious lose weight mission - will let you know when I need the alterations...


  32. The Poppy embroiderys looking lovely. mY kinda dress the black and white one, looks lovely. Thanks for sharing Annie!. Carolxx

  33. Great industrious post! You have been busy. Lovely WOYWW. Kim

  34. Of course to day will start all over again tomorrow as it's Ground hog day! Love your poppy pic!! ((Lyn))

    ((Happy WOYWW)

  35. Of course the poppies are a favorite of mine, lovely!!

  36. It has been awhile since I have been able to leave a comment, but I do subscribe to your RSS feed, so I have been keeping up. It amazes me what you can create with dumfing. Your flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
    Shari #103

  37. Busy as usual I see-love the new poppy pic.

  38. Loving the poppies - they are all so different. I am itching to know if you have ever done delphiniums; I can imagine them working really well in the same kind of interpretation.

    Hope you and Twiglet had another great Funday Monday; they should be compulsory for us all!

    Bernie x

  39. Oh wow your poppy picture is well wow, I started simple embroidery last year and subscribe to Stitch, which when I see art like yours I'm in awe. I'm terrible at sewing, I have just learnt how to thread my sewing machine (which I bought two years ago to stitch onto cards). I was thrilled with myself and had a go sewing on rags, but now I'm too scared to sew on my patterned papers because I heard you need different needles but goodness knows which ones lol.
    I can't wait to see what other pieces of art you will produce.

  40. You are so clever being able to alter clothes like that. I love your latest picture, it's beautiful! Tracey x

  41. You are sooo talented. I took an alterations class and I think it's much harder than starting from scratch. Wish you lived in the states!! Charlene #105

  42. Must be nice to have to have your clothes taken in!! Love the poppy pic, even in its unfinished state it's a beauty.

    Brenda 91

  43. Wow Annie so busy, is that the picture you're doing for the shop? he! he!, got pride of place waiting. Take care. xx

  44. I can't sew a stitch and so admire those that can!! (and I really wish I had use of your "smaller" altering services!!)
    Star 125

  45. You are awesome! I sew but can't change it much when I get finished. Thanks for sharing with us today.
    Vickie #80

  46. Love when you have to take in clothes. A good sign. Congrats

  47. Lovely poppies Wipso...and just curious what is in those Pay It Forward pkgs...hmmmm...wonderful tour today!

  48. Did I ever say that you're amazing? What a skill! I can jsut about make something but alterations are way beyond me. The Poppies are looking fab....I wore my brooch when visiting my sweet Mum yesterday, and nearly had to give it up!

  49. Love the new poppy piece. so lovely and colourful. It brings a smile to my face, as does the banner of your blog, every time I see it.

    Have a great WOYWW!

    Mary Anne
    (a day late but determined!)

  50. Thanks for a peek at all this crafty goodness! I can't sew, so am all the more impressed! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower - I'm happy to return the favor!

  51. love your poppies, you look very busy today! hugs Debx

  52. Love your poppies and your skill with sewing never ceases to amaze me ~ thanks for sharing Nicky 12

  53. Oh, the poppies are beautious and make me long for spring (6 weeks the groundhog says) and I'm stuck on hearing of someone who lost so much weight they had to have their dresses altered. Can't imagine it!
    Can't imagine someone being able to do it either!

  54. The poppies are gorgeous. How talented you are! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo lucky #1.

  55. Hello! here I am, catching up on WOYWW, as ever. The poppy art is BEAUTIFUL! I love how you created a verb out of a sound.

    Cheers ~ Susan #114

  56. Gosh, you're a busy lady! I've just seen your more recent post with an empty 'to do' rail, well done!

  57. How lovely to see sewing projects in amongst all this paper craziness! I love your poppies. Like you first comment, I also wish I needed all my clothes taking in! K #90

  58. Your poppies are beautiful. When your blog popped up, I sighed. It's so serene.

    Terry #16

  59. Wish my clothes need ed taking in too! Went for a 4.3km walk today and ran some of the way (well jogged really). Think I've done my hip...I'm getting old! :(
    I am late getting around again! Happy {LATE} WOYWW!

    Susan xxox #13

  60. Your Poppies are looking great, can't wait to see the final project.. Congrats on having to take the clothes in, that's always great! Sorry I'm late getting around from last week's WOWDW.. But I made it! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week.


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.