Friday 4 February 2011

Poppies all the way...

I thought you might like to see the latest Poppy pictures I've been dumfing.....if you are one of the few who still don't know what dumfing is then please check out the link on the right for a full explanation  :-) 

The first picture I took in full sunlight and what a difference it makes.....roll on sunny days eh? 

This first one will be finding it's way into the shop soon with hopefully a few more if I can find some more canvasses to mount some on.  I love poppies and so it seems do many others as these seem to fly off the shelves pretty quickly.

The last four have already gone on their travels and should all now be with their new owners.


  1. More wonderful Poppy pictures. I love RED and I love POPPIES.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Just what we need on a wild windy weekend!! We will have fun re-stocking the blog shop shelves on Monday!

  3. Gorgeous poppies, you are so talented!!

  4. They're beautifully dumfed....I love them! xxx

  5. I love looking at yout poppy creations. The idea of owning one of those machines, that you use for this, is very tempting...they are a bit pricey, though...I looked them up a while ago.

    The thing about poppies is that the design of them is so simple and beautiful. I have some big, blousey poppies which are fantastic, but my very favourite poppies are the wild types, like these.

    Sue xx

  6. Gorgeous Gorgeous Poppies, I love all of these. Joey xx

  7. I can see the lovely one you sent to me!! Tee,hee ..............gleeful, smug, happy, and I just love it!!! Di xx

  8. I feel all summery now! And I felt all spring-like when I saw your previous post about the churchyard flowers. Time to check the garden tomorrow and see if anything is emerging.


  9. Now that i own a poppy card i can say how wonderful they are even more in the real....these are stunning, ive been creative today too x

  10. Love you poppies. Sadly, I'm one who does not know what dumfing is but I will do as you suggest and check the link - tomorrow - so I will be back. Love all the photos in the previous post - cheering to see the shoots coming through again, Spring is not too far away. Elizabeth x #96

  11. These are all just so devine. I am going to have to have a dumfer sooner rather than later!! I am not envious. Off to write that out 50 times now. Then maybe I will feel better until your monday post that is!!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  12. My poppies are bringing cheer to my dining room wall, and making me feel very happy each time I see them. xxx

  13. OOOOH Annie, is that top one still available?
    I simply must have it! Very rude but true! lol!

    It is beautiful! I have the perfect spot for it in my lounge.
    Keryn x

  14. I adore your poppies and you have certainly been dumfing mad! Thanks for your comments during my travels!
    love the cardies in your next post too!
    JoZarty x


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