Monday 7 February 2011

Weekend celebrations and Knitting....

It was our future son-in-law's birthday on Saturday and we joined them for a night at the dog races in Wolverhampton.  I'd never been dog racing before but was found a first class seat by the window and my darling hubby was my runner for the evening  :-) What fun we had and to top it all I came home with rather more money than I went with even though I was laughed at on several occasions for picking the dogs simply cos I liked their names or they had a pretty face! :-)  Thank you for inviting us old fossils it really was a brill night's fun.

I am still managing my 20 minutes of crafting every day and always like to do something with my hands when I'm watching the telly in the evenings.  Just lately it's been knitting and thought I'd share my latest acheivements with you.

 This was knit with some gorgeous wool my eldest gave me. You can see it best if you enlarge the pic.  I just love the effect the spotty wool gives ....have a feeling she would like it back one day :-)

This little cardigan is knit with with the softest wool and it has a shiny thread through it too so it has made up into a really lovely cardigan.

These are both 0 - 3 months size but they seem to be for rather a big baby so I  think I shall knit some smaller ones next....that is of course when I have finished the one I've knit the back and half the front of!  :-)  I'm never idle.


  1. wow they look great! I've just started learning how to crochet not the same as knitting I know but still good to keep your hands busy. I love the pale colors of the items

  2. Obviously you are a lady of many talents. Love the colours in the top cardi.
    x Tricia

  3. Gorgeous little knits for little ones. Will you sell them, or are they for family?

    They are both beautiful!!
    Sue xx

  4. Glad you al had a lovely evening.
    Love the sweet little jumpers. I failed miserably with the 20Minuters, but I do craft regularly. I'm a failure sob! sob!
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  5. Ni, idle is definitely not a word attributable to you! Cute cardis - it takes me back! Glad you enjoyed the Dogs..I haven't been but recently had my first horse racing and that was fun too....and my betting theory is the same as yours!

  6. Hello Annie, sounds like you had a great night at the races at the weekend! And to come home with more than you went, well, that says it all really doesnt it!
    I cant understand what was wrong with your style of picking dogs, Im just the same with cars! I have to like the look and colour of it ;o

    Super little cardi's too, I like to sit and knit too when Im watching my soaps on a monday evening! Im currently working on another pair of bed sox for my eldest brother! Oh, the glamour of it eh?!

    Keryn x


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