Wednesday 26 January 2011


Funday Monday was just fun fun........not the depressing day promised in the news!....I have blogged it in the last post if you'd like to see what we got up to.  I'm sure when they say these things in the news if affects how people think so it would be really lovely if just once they said ....."and today it known the be the happiest day in the year when everyone smiles and does good for the people they meet".  :-)

My Pass it forward gifts are in the making and of course I won't be able to share these with you until they have had them....I notice Keryn over on Poppy Dog is looking for folk to pass hers on to so if there are still some kind generous people who would like to join in spreading a little happiness around the world then please pop over to her blog and join in the fun.  I know for sure that every time I give something away I get it back ten fold in one way or other so please sign up to share some love.

On my desk [ and floor] today is.......  

A whole lot of wools, beads, yarns, fabrics and a whole lot of scrummy things I can't show you [they are under the fabric at the back of the table]......oh what a tease I am.  

I will take pictures of all the hidden things and will share them when I can but for now you will have to just snoop through the materials I play with  :-)

For those of you wondering what my daughter M has been up to since she left here with her pile of sock on Monday.  Here is the gorgeous Penguin and Cat she has made yesterday....she really does take a new learnt skill and fly with it  :-)  In fact she was sat teaching my son's girlfriend how to make them last night  :-) Aren't they gorgeous?

Now girls please pop over to our host blog....Julia the Queen of snoop....and join in the fun of sharing your creative space with others.

If you haven't already checked out the sale bargains in our blog shop then it's worth popping over to check them out.  This is the last week of the sale so don't forget to grab a bargain or two    :-)



  1. The new sock dolls are fab - what a clever girl M is!!

  2. Loved the rummage through your wools - my daughter would probably want a few of them as she is into knitting now - your daughter has made some lovely dolls - the cat is my absolute favourite!

  3. Great pics today - even if you are hiding things from us! Your Monday Fundays sound fabulous.

  4. Oh I am with you on spreading a bit of happiness! Wouldn't it be good if Monday was renamed Funday Monday and everyone was happy instead of grumpy! I love the greens in that wool you have there and daughter M's sock animals are wonderful! Have a wonderful week! Tracey (Handmade with Love)x

  5. A 'happy' day would be amazing, I agree!
    Love the oh-so-tidy button box and all your makes.
    Have a happy wednesday!
    Sue xx 40

  6. Thanks for the peek, Loving the sock creations, though the penguin is looking a little bit {dare i say it, please don't take offense its prob just my mind}well hung.. i know i know its his feet.. like i said its my mind!!!

  7. ooooh those sock animals are so so cute! Joey x

  8. Those sockie friends are adorable. I have a pile of socks and an instruction book from a charity shop waiting, I must find some time to get started on my own sockie zoo.

    ** Kate **

  9. Oh Wipso I thank you for popping by and do love your daughter's creations you must be pleased to see her so clever and turning teacher as well - what joy!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  10. Hello Annie,

    Thank you for your help in trying to drum up some interest in my PIF! I think I might have missed the boat!

    I love those sock creatures I must get a lesson in with your daughter!!

    Well how lucky are your 5 PIF ladies, I bet you could have filled a whole list of suitable candidates! Look forward to seeing your goodies when the time is right!

    Keryn x

  11. I avoid the news at all costs! I've realised that my wellbeing suffers if I hear too much.
    xoxo Sioux

  12. hi Wipso, I'm really impressed with your daughter's penguin and cat! So cute! Patsy from

  13. Love the sock cat so much

    Have a great week

    Candace #55

  14. What a fab idea the sock friends are xxx

  15. Oooooh those sock friends are too cute. She should consider mass producing them for Internet sale! *smile*
    your supplies look ready to become beautiful projects, too! I'll have to check back and see what they grew up to be.
    Thx for visiting, and,yes, I do so love that Cloth, Paper, Scissors mag.....

  16. Thanks for swinging by my blog this morning! Lil Miss B made a sock Octopus at her after school club before Christmas and now wants to convert all her old socks..... yikes..... That penguin and cat are just THE biz...

  17. I have given you an award - claim it from my blog!

  18. Great post and read! Will check out the links... and that daughter definitely learnt from a true master - how darn cute is that cat!!!! Thanks for the visit too,

    Sarah (sasa)

  19. Oh my heavens! I Love woyww because it enables me to find people like you! your blog is oooozing with creativity. Love it !
    I'll be back for more. Thanks for the comment on my bird collage.
    I will share her progress as I go along.
    Marianne #21

  20. LOVE those sock dolls! Is it rude to say "I'd love to play in your drawers?" Maybe, but it isn't meant that way LOL!

    Mary Anne

  21. Oooh, I can't wait to see what you have been making!
    The sock animals are incredible! Your daughter is so talented! I am in love with that cat!
    xoxo Karen (#117)

  22. How cute, beats boring ol socks any day!! Hugs Pam x

  23. Hi hun
    oh can't wait to see your hidden things, gorgeous toys your daughter has made, luv the cat, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (30)

  24. Love your sock creations and all those yummy beads!

  25. That penguin is ace! Your daughter clearly has your talent for making things :-)

    (the cat is cute too but I have a thing for penguins!)

    Actually, you might be interested to hear I just ordered a little kit to make a penguin from felt. As someone who struggles to sew a button on a shirt, it's going to be a challenge!

  26. Oh I just love that cat - absolutely adorable - but then I am a cat woman (wish I looked like her in the body) (just remembered it is Halle Berry I am on about)

  27. Well done to your daughter for those sock dolls and for passing her new skill on to another potential crafter. The more the merrier.

    Thank you for popping in to my blog and for your lovely comment. It is much appreciated.

  28. Great blog and thanks for visiting............I am not a sewer, nooo way and adore your sewn projects,very ,very talented!


    Jinny :~)

  29. Just love your penguin and cat. Adorable. Thanks for visiting me. Kathleen x

  30. Have not posted a WOYWW ...just a proud nana one ..but thought I would drop by a few friends.You always have interesting bits and bobs to nose around ...LOVE that cat needless to say lol

  31. Evening Wipso, Your daughter has made some lovely animals well done. Cannot wait to see all that stash you have hidden and what it creates. Big Hugs JO.xx *48*

  32. those sock animals are fantastic, creativness obviously runs in your family.

  33. Your daughter's sock friends are them!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sam # 26

  34. Love the penguin. Glad you had a funday Monday and agree it should be a national requirement.
    x Tricia (120)
    PS. Cassie can't wait for the collar to be off and is learning to live with 3 legs. Thanks for your concern

  35. MMMMM lots of groovy stash there !! And just love the sock creations as usual !!
    Yes here's to Happy Mondays ( group name withstanding !) the start of a new week should be rejoiced not dismayed !!!-- lots to achieve before the weekends
    Anne xx

  36. I love your storage! Those are the cuttest sock dolls too!

  37. Love the penguin and the cat - they're gorgeous! And so is the Funday Monday. Thank you for sharing.

  38. Adorable and so cute your sock dolls are. Thanks for a little nosey round your creative space. Happy crafting. Carolxx

  39. Gorgeous sock dolls.. wow, can she teach me how to do them :)
    Thanks for visiting me,
    Marlene x

  40. Talent obviously runs in your family Annie and how lovely that you can still enjoy wonderful days like this even though your kids are all grown up now. Thanks for the thoughts this morning, everything went well and we were back home quite quickly!


  41. Love the cat, so so so soooo cute and the pengwin's lovely too!!

    ((Lyn)) Happy WOYWW!!

  42. The sock critters are so cute. Your DD does an excellent job! I would love to snoop through the things that are hidden in the second pic! Bet they would be a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing!
    Vickie #59

  43. Love the sock dolls, your daughter does beautiful work. I always enjoy the peek at your desk.
    Vicki 108 - a little inkling

  44. The penguin and cat are gorgeous it must be in the genes.
    Sandra xox

  45. Your space looks full of fun stuff! I love the penguin and the cat your daughter made! So cute!

  46. Thank you so much honey for the award! And also for what's to come from Pay It Forward.....just wish I could peel back a little bit of my laptop screen for a peek! Hugs, Di x

  47. Hello Wipso, loved the snoop round your bits and bobs and can't wait to see what is hidden. Your daughters sock cuties are brilliant - love, love, love the grinning cat :) Elizabeth x #60

  48. Thank you for all ther kind compliments about my sock toys. I have made a bird too and I hope to be giving them to some little friends who I am sure will love them! xxxxxxxx

  49. Great photos Annie - and it looks as though your daughter has inherited your craftiness, the sock makes are really fab

  50. All looking great
    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. The PIN number still isn't working - now waitig for a new card

  51. Who knew that socks could be such fun.Love the resulting characters from M.
    Didn't get my embellisher cos someone out priced me by bidding at the last minute. so back to finger stabbing for me at the mo until I can save up enough pennies for the real McCoy.
    Hugs Mrs A. #97.

  52. That Cat is superb, sorry excuse brevity I haven't even visited one column of the woywwers this week yet....


  53. Loving the sock animals - especially the cat...ur daughter obviously takes after you! Happy WOYWW...Esther xx

  54. Love the sock animals your daughter made. Creative talent must run in the family. :)

    Carole B#135

  55. Yummy goodies, socks are so creative. Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #7

  56. I am in LOVE with the wool and those cute little sock creatures. I really like Cat! And of course, those beads look like candy, so rich and inviting. Sorry I didn't visit last week. I was in crisis mode. Happy belated WOYWW from #10.

  57. wow, your daughter's creations are so cute! and you say it is a new skill? amazing!

  58. Looks like you had lots of fun on Funday Monday. Love that penguin. Thanks for visiting and happy [LATE} WOYWW!
    Susan xxox

  59. Wow what a talented family love your daughters animal socks ~ Nicky


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