Tuesday 25 January 2011

This week's Day of fun...

Yesterday's Funday Monday ranks up there with the best.  Twiglet and I were joined by our friend T and my eldest daughter M and my little sewing room sang with creativity and fun. 

It's what Mondays are made for.  I've heard it said that it was one of the most depressing days of the year but certainly not here at sewing by Annie's.

We extended my table and filled it with socks, beads, buttons, wools, fabrics and much much more.....and the floor held  even more  :-)

Not sure what Twiglet had in mind here but I have to say what these went towards making is really special.....I'm sure she will appear on her blog soon  :-)     [I'm not giving away her secrets]

T made a start at making her Pepsy Pig .....and finished her off beautifully at home later  :-)

Meet Maisie Rabbit....this was the gorgeous little rabbit M made during her afternoon of fun.  We called in at our local supermarket when we took her home later and picked up more socks....she is hooked with the sock dolly making now and being her usual artistic self I'm sure she will be creating all sorts of wonderful critters now  :-)

These are the socks we picked up for her so watch this space....she text me later that evening with a photo of a nearly finished little penguin  :-)
We always did a lot of crafting while my family were growing up and I really love the way she has used what she has been taught but now flies with her ability and goes well beyond anything I ever taught her.  She is really creative and has a more artistic eye than me so I love to watch her create.

Thank you girls for joining me and for all the fun and laughter we had.  It's what days are made of.  Here's to many more.


  1. What a fun day we had!! I have nearly finished a little penguin and was dreaming about other little creatures all night!! Watch this space. B will come back to a sock drawer full of little creatures!!! hehe! xxxxx

  2. Hi Annie...looks like you had a wonderful fun filled day...
    congratulations on the 300th post win too..lots of lovely goodies there
    Hugs xx

  3. Another great day! Thanks for being such an accommodating host - you are such a treasure. My little friend will be on my blog tomorrow. I hope we didn't raid too many of your crafty supplies - I will have to help you re-stock.

  4. oh how fun does that look who knew socks weren't just for feet wearing lol

  5. awe, gorgeous pics sounds like everyone had fun. :)

  6. Oh what a lovely time you all must have had my lovely! I too brought up my daughter with lots of craftiness but sadly she has gone the other way now :(

    I just love these socky creatures. Wonder what M will do with the toe socks HUGS XXX

  7. What an amazing day you all had. The third Monday in January is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year.

    I think November is more dismal than January.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
    Sue xx

  8. Amazing what you can do with a pair of socks!!! Well, if you have your talent that is! xxx

  9. I want to come and play, it looks good fun !
    twiggy x

  10. Oh what a great day you all had, Id have paid just to sit in the corner and watch all that amazing creativity!!

    Those sock animals are so very cute!

    Keryn x


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