Thursday 27 January 2011

The Love blog award.....

The lovely Cardarian from

Cardarian´s happy place

has given me an award.

Thank you so much.  I feel very special.

There are a couple of conditions for the award

You have been TAGGED and want to participate?
Then create a post where you post the 'LOVE BLOG' image.

You should also blog the persons link that gave you the award and inform her/him that you accept the award.

You can then choose 3 - 5 favourite blogs which you also link in your post, then each blogger will inform you that they have been tagged.

Dear bloggers:
The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not to blog fellow bloggers that already have 3,000 followers.As always, the hardest part is to pick who to pass this on to, there are so many bloggers I could give it to but I pick these...

  • As it is a Love blog of course the top of my list has to be my [much older] sister Twiglet .  There is no doubt that she spreads love everwhere she goes.
The others are just a few of the very many I could choose and they are in no particular order...there really is so much love out there amongst all the wonderful blogs I read regularly.
  • My next is Keryn over on Poppy Dog...she would love to have 5 bloggers to do a 'pass it forward' to as her way of spreading a little love on to others [please pop over there if you haven't already joined in the fun].
  • My next is Gez over at Gezzyb's Jots....she has followed my blog for ages now and is always one of the first to support and offer help when asked for.
  • My next is Karen over at Karen's Carry Ons .....there are very few of my posts that she fails to leave me really lovely kind comments and she certainly knows what spreading a little love is all about.
  • My last is Di over at Pixie's Crafty Workshop ....she is fairly new to blogging but when I asked for bloggers to join in the pass it forward fun she jumped at the chance and living half way round the world it means the love has the chance to spread rather further  :-) Thank you Di
Consider yourself tagged go and spread some love and tag a few more.
Of course there are many many others but I am sure the love will spread like roots of a tree and they will very soon be tagged by others.


  1. Hello~! Everyone needs some love more or less...I find that follower's kind comments are the best to keep the fire going. It was a great thing that you did for spreading love ^^

    I have followed your blog.
    Could you follow mine too please at:
    SkyBlueTrading Blog

    I currently have a competition of stock price guessing where I will give the winner $1.00 or more for guess it right~

    If any blogger would like to get their blogs followed by others, please visit my blog too~ I have a list of followers who are likely to follow you back! The list is located to the left side of my blog. Follow me and add a comment, I'll add your bloglink to my list~


  2. Hi, just popped in to say hello,I have enjoyed visiting your blog and will call again soon.
    Karen x

  3. Morning Annie what a lovely surprise when I switched the computer on this morning to see you have been tagged. I know you spread so much love & happiness & this award is richly deserved.xx Your blog is inspirational & it's always a pleasure to visit. I feel very honoured indeed to have had yours & Jo's support this last twelve months. I am happy that you tagged me. Have a lovely day. Gez.xx

  4. Thank You Annie for spreading some love in my Poppy direction! Thanks to you I now have 2 people who are willing to Pay It Forward and having seen their work I am now seriously scared!!

    As Gez has said, it is always such a pleasure to visit your blog as I just love the craftiness you share with your family!

    Oh poor Jo, I could help but giggle at the comment ;o)

    Thanks for brightening my day!

    Keryn x

  5. Well I think you deserve it!
    sue x

  6. I'm so pleased to have been tagged by such a talented lady! Have got a LOT of catching up to do if there's ever a snowball's chance of having a squillionth of such wonderful creativeness! Di x


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.