Thursday 1 July 2010

A few answers to Wednesdays questions and good news....

Firstly I wanted to say thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday and quickly answer a few questions....

For anyone wanting sewing doing I am more than happy to do sewing for anyone willing to pay the postage on top of my charges [my prices are often reasonable enough to still be cheaper than getting things done locally even when the postage is added :-)]. I have done this many times before and it works as long as I have clear instructions as to what is needed e.g. if it's trousers that need shortening then if they can be either be pinned up to the required length or maybe you know a finished leg length you need or know you just need them an inch shorter. Just email me with any questions and I'm more than happy to help.

I have had several ask about the crocheted flowers. I don't use a pattern and they are almost all made differently so look slightly different. I am intending bagging some up to sell them in the shop so if you're interested keep an eye out.

I was asked what a blind hemmer know the magic thread that hems up trousers and if you find a loose thread and pull it it all comes undone?....this machine puts that hemming stitch in :-)

Several kind caring friends enquired about my eye.....It is now much better thank you. I have drops and ointment that I have to use for about 6 months so that it heals properly but otherwise I have no problems with it at the moment.

Liverpool Lou asked me what my 'clever' sewing machine was....It's a Janome Memory Craft 4900 and I love it. I do my wedding dresses and intricate sewing on it and all my machine embroidered cards and edgings.

Now finally I just wanted to share my exciting moment with you.

I have today received a parcel and lots of wonderful goodies from Jo from I won third prize in her blog candy give away. I never win anything so this was such a surprise.

And this was what was in my parcel :-) I feel so spoiled. Thanks Jo.


  1. Oh what a lovely pressie you will have fun using these, glad to hear your eye is much better, fantastic machine.
    Christine x

  2. brillinat looking machine. And you don't Never Win Anything anymore - you just did! Congrats, the candy looks lovley

  3. Hey congrats on the win, dear. And that sewing machine looks like it will do everything except the dishes and possibly fix the road/bridge outside your house.

  4. Wow such a wonderful win and a great that sewing machine.

  5. Hi Annie, thanks for the info. I have a Janome MyStyle Computer. I'm not at home just now. Congrats on winning the candy, I did see it on Jo's blog.
    Anne xx

  6. Hi Annie, thanks for the info. I have a Janome MyStyle Computer. I'm not at home just now. Congrats on winning the candy, I did see it on Jo's blog.
    Anne xx

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and I wanted to answer youf questions about the flowers. Yes, I have made them and they are for sale. And yes I used paper! :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Well done on your fab win Annie, it looks amazing!

    Oh Ive had a wonderful browse over what Ive missed and it's been a wonderful visit! Have to say how beautiful that wedding dress is but Im so glad I didnt have the task of shortening it!! Ive always said that Id rather make an item from scratch than to have to alter it!! aaaargh!!

    Oh wow Ernest looks quite a character and what fun did he get upto?! I bet life is so quiet now without him!

    Fab fancy dress hen do, you looked great!!

    Its been lovely to catch up Annie!
    Keryn x

  9. what a lovely surprise with your win!

    hope your eye continues to improve

    love tina x



  11. Love the goodies - will have to see what we can make with them!!

  12. Hi there, well done on your wonderful win, what goodies!

    Love your sewing machine, so many fellow bloggers have been getting their machines out recently, I am feeling the need to make a cushion or two.

    Enjoy your weekend, hugs Heidi xx

  13. Congratulations, this is a beautiful win, Annie. I admire the amount of work you can deal with and to take the time to do all this blogging. Really stunning. You must work very quick. And congratulations to your 1000th customer! Well done!

  14. love all your goodies and that sewing machine..WOW!

  15. Fab goodies!! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment.
    Have a great weekend.
    Twiggy x

  16. Looking fwd to the bagged crochet flowers (

    youwould please like some cotton ones in different creams and white not to big it would be also nice if there were various sizes in a bag from say one inch to four inches So you have my order lol I hope to see some soon ;0)

    Your Blind sewer must get some serious use gosh so much work the dresses I can hem a skirt or trousers but last year I needed to alter something but I would of had to undo all the lining and then take in the seam then sew all the seam back in (thant I didn't feel confiedent to do So I had to buy hin a new blazer as the cost was £20 for a new blazer and goodnes knows how much I would of got charged for some one to fix it. Saying that if I ever need something altering again I will ask you before going to buy something new xx

    Love Dawn xx

  17. Congratulations! What a wonderful prize :)


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