Monday 5 July 2010

Another busy weekend....

Wahooooo, yes, Saturday night Twiglet treated 4 of us to go to the Theatre in Shrewsbury to see the Proclaimers. They were supported by a group called the Misers who were really good. They had us clapping and singing and I'm sure we were all well warmed up by the time the Proclaimers came on stage. The Proclaimers sang several old favourites and lots of really great new material. I have to say a great night was had by all. Thanks Sis x.

So, fun over, it was all work no play for Sunday.
Our front garden went from this....

.... to this

in the day. We have regained about 2 foot of our front drive.

At least now my customers [and visitors] don't have to fight their way to the front door....and we do have a very special visitor and her OH making her was to our door later today :-)
The Crafty Linby is visiting the area and we are meeting up for real tonight for a meal in our local pub. I thought it safest for them to come here first then if she is really a mad axeman the dogs will sort her out :-) Really excited now and I still have to work all day today! ... and that includes a Fun Day Monday and the arrival of lots of customers who couldn't get to me last week because of the roadworks outside [yesssssssssssssss it's all finished now and looking very smart too]. I even have a Wedding dress fitting this afternoon :-)


  1. I wonder if Daniel can be pursuades to travel in your direction next time he wants to go on a weekend picnic....
    Glad you enjoyed the show

  2. Oh major good works on the drive - hot and hard work too by the looks...but it does look gorgeous. I love the Proclaimers; specially as they are about the only artists I've ever known to sing in their accents. Sounds like a fab treat. Hope you have a heap of fun with Linby!


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