Monday 5 July 2010

Crocheted flowers.....

The crocheted flowers are all bagged up and in the shop for those wanting to buy some. You can find them here in the shop.


  1. Wow, how many are! You are very diligent!

  2. I've just been having a look round your shop. I was going to say 'When I am Rich perhaps I'll buy ...' but your prices are very reasonable considering the amount of work involved. Good luck with it!

  3. wow! they are beautiful!
    love tina x

  4. Those are beautiful, so delicate - they will be great for adorning all sorts of things, hope they sell well for you! xx

  5. great flowers hun - I think I've got the hang of them now. Just finished my first proper makes and they are now in my online store...must make more. Big thanks to you and twiglet as it is you 2 that have inspired me to try other things again.
    Take care
    Sam x


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