Monday 28 June 2010

The treasures in the undergrowth....

At the very bottom of our garden we have a wild area with a bird hide and usually a couple of times a year it gets a good clear out so thought I'd share a few of the treasure we found.

This is a before photo so you can see that wild is a good description. [Yes, there is a bird hide in the back there somewhere!] The nettles are for the butterflies to lay their eggs on so even though we have removed most of them from along the path side we always leave a patch of these.

After a couple of hours of cutting back and clearing these are the after photos with some of the pretty flowers and plants we have saved from being strangled by the weeds.

This is what I look out on from the bird hide. We have a huge pile of old logs to encourage the insects and smaller wild life.

This is the after photo taken from roughly the same spot as before!
Our three dogs are still wondering where all the nettles and weeds went to :-) Oh and do notice they are all sporting their summer hair cuts now :-)


  1. What a wonderful area to have in your garden, I wish more would do this! Oh and its brilliant that you kept some nettle for the butterflies too...lots of people forget that!

    Thank you for sharing such a lovely space XXX

  2. Oh wow if we had a bird hide in our garden I would never see my OH! What a gorgeous garden to have!

  3. Well done on all your hard work and how lucky are you having a hide in there!! Those flowers are pretty, possible inspiration perhaps?? xxx

  4. what a hidden treasure! great photos, are they three babies Cairns?
    love tina x

  5. Hi yes l have the 100 flowers..... book too ok l think not sure l tend to look st the pictures hehehe and make them up as l go
    Why have you had problems with it?
    some patterns are really hard to understand both the poppy and the pansy l had problems with but the poppy l really struggled to do took me ages and it's still not quite right
    Thanks for the b'day wished
    Mt T's got a bit of a cough this morning but doing great we slept on the sofa together again last night lol..spoilt or what?
    Hugs x

  6. i love that magical part of your garden Annie - so quiet and serine. i'd be down there with a cold drink and a book - oh and a comfy pillow!!!

    Paula x x x

  7. Lovely flowers here Annie. How great having your own hide ;-)
    Anne xx

  8. It's a little bit of heaven on earth - in more ways than one!!!


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