Thursday 24 June 2010

Answers to Wednesday's questions....

Firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to all who called by yesterday and for all the lovely comments you left.

The Crafty Goat Girl asked if I felt like a prisoner....My answer would have to be....No more than normal cos my restraining chains only run between the sewing room and the kitchen :-) :-) Actually I have been able to sit at my sewing machine and watch about 20 or so men in hard hats watch the one compulsory man working on the road for the last week so it's really not a bad prison to be in :-)

The colourful fabric on the left is randomly dyed and has batik. I have made another top with a similar fabric and the effect when made up is rather pretty.

Ernest.....Do I miss him?.....Of course I do cos now our own family have all moved out it was nice to have a challenge....and he was certainly that at times :-)

Tina Gilmore......I would be thrilled to do the alterations to your Wedding dress. I always say to ring before you come in case I have had to pop out for new sewing supplies but otherwise I should be here 8 - 5 Monday to Friday
[See ref. to restraining chains above :-) ]

Pam mentioned wanting a red brooch......we have lots over in the shop. Feel free to pop over for a browse.

I have also had lots of requests for crocheted flowers to buy for use when card making so will be making some soon and will blog more details later.

Once again many many thanks to all who follow my blog.


  1. Oh lots to catch up on there Wips!!
    We are off gardening. Have a great day!!!

  2. thanks for your lovely comment on my scarf hun and yes, he is fairly pleased with it. Next to reteach myself to crochet (I forget very easily if I don't do something often enough - I was amazed I remembered how to cast off when I finished his scarf lol x). It sounds like you are really busy there at the moment even if you are trapped hehehe. Anyway onwards I have to get my DT make finished quickly then I can get out the crochet needle - oh and make a card for my MIL (for her friends birthday) with a tandem bike on!!
    Catch you later hun and have a good day now.
    Sam x

  3. 9" scar on knee sounds painful?
    Mr T had a good night and doing well does seem to need to be close to me a lot right now so lots of hooky going on here hehe
    Hugs x

  4. wow!! you've been super busy!! Thanks for the snoop!


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