Another stolen week and it's Wednesday again. Where do they all go? Well this week I have only a couple of jobs to do this morning because I finished shortening the 4 pair of curtains I had to do yesterday. Today I just have one skirt to shorten and a pair of jeans to do patch and darn on the one knee. I hope to soon get these jobs out of the way so I can dumf later. [Bet I have customers who think otherwise though :-) ]

I have decided to prepare a canvas with Crayola fabric crayons for a change. It's much better to work on a coloured background than on a white one. For those that have never used these crayons before the idea is to do your design onto a piece of clean paper, turn this over onto your canvas and iron the design on.
It doesn't have to be perfect because I shall be covering this with wool rovings, threads and dumfling gorgeousness :-)

This is my table covered with all the fab new stash we bought at the Woolfest and I'm planning to make use of at least some of these today. I'm in the mood for a field of poppies :-)
Now lastly I feel the need to show and tell some of the magic going on outside in our garden....

These are a row of beetroot emerging. These will be used to make scrummy beetroot chutneys and pickles later in the year.

Little potato plants are starting to show so with a lot of water and just a bit of luck we should have yummy new potatoes before very long :-)
Down the very bottom of our garden we have a wild life area with a bird hide and at the mo it is a real picture with all it's wild flowers. These are of course Forget-me-nots...My Dad's favourite flower and it would have been his Birthday this month.

Even dandelions look wonderful when in an area where they are allowed to grow.

I couldn't resist snapping this Bridal veil plant but I see our 'old lady' Skye felt the need of posing for a picture too. She saw me out with the camera and ran in and sat down just as I was taking the picture :-)
For those that haven't seen my previous blog. We launched the Wedding shelf in our blog shop Monday and would really appreciate you all to pop over and take a look and leave us a comment as to what you think of it all. Any new ideas or special requests would be very welcome.
I hope you all have a brill Wednesday and will all pop over to Julia's to join in the fun of showing us your workspace.
For those keeping up with Paula's progress....She was in rather a lot of pain last night and although the Dr said she could go home she very sensibly declined the offer. I do feel these Dr's like to push patients home too soon at times. I haven't heard from her yet this morning but I will update her blog if I get any more news.

I have decided to prepare a canvas with Crayola fabric crayons for a change. It's much better to work on a coloured background than on a white one. For those that have never used these crayons before the idea is to do your design onto a piece of clean paper, turn this over onto your canvas and iron the design on.

This is my table covered with all the fab new stash we bought at the Woolfest and I'm planning to make use of at least some of these today. I'm in the mood for a field of poppies :-)
Now lastly I feel the need to show and tell some of the magic going on outside in our garden....

These are a row of beetroot emerging. These will be used to make scrummy beetroot chutneys and pickles later in the year.

Little potato plants are starting to show so with a lot of water and just a bit of luck we should have yummy new potatoes before very long :-)

Even dandelions look wonderful when in an area where they are allowed to grow.

I couldn't resist snapping this Bridal veil plant but I see our 'old lady' Skye felt the need of posing for a picture too. She saw me out with the camera and ran in and sat down just as I was taking the picture :-)
For those that haven't seen my previous blog. We launched the Wedding shelf in our blog shop Monday and would really appreciate you all to pop over and take a look and leave us a comment as to what you think of it all. Any new ideas or special requests would be very welcome.
I hope you all have a brill Wednesday and will all pop over to Julia's to join in the fun of showing us your workspace.
For those keeping up with Paula's progress....She was in rather a lot of pain last night and although the Dr said she could go home she very sensibly declined the offer. I do feel these Dr's like to push patients home too soon at times. I haven't heard from her yet this morning but I will update her blog if I get any more news.