Friday 11 October 2024

This week's smiles....week 385

 I'm sorry to say I've struggled to find smiles this week because our little Milly died very suddenly and totally unexpected on Saturday evening...I'm broken hearted.  She has left a huge hole in our lives sadly.

I think  someone has heard the news about Milly because he wouldn't have dared come into the garden if she was still humour but it did make us smile.

Louie makes us smile every day when he comes to play...he's growing up and changing every day.

We went to watch Sam perform in Frozen at Theatre Severn on Sunday...he was brilliant in every part he played.  We are so very proud of the young man he is becoming.


The only other things I have to share with you are the funnies I've found this week....I hope something here makes you smile.
Annie x


Iris Flavia said...

I am so sorry about your loss.
But. We had a German Shepherd, she suffered over moths and months of cancer (I was too young to tell Mom, "let her go").. Maybe quick is better for all?
If that helps. And a big hug, if virtual...
Wasn´t Louie just a toddler the other day?
Frozen... no idea why but I had to read the story over and over to my Niece back then. Would´ve loved to see Sam!
"Shed it all",LOL!!! Aw, all are funny - thank you for the smiles. Have a great Friday. Even if sad. Just try to remember the good times.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Iris is right, keep that as a positive thought that she went quickly and wouldn't have known what was happening. Lovely photos of her, she was such a sweetie. Great to see Sam doing so well too and loving the funnies especially the bladder one Hee! Hee! Hugs Angela XxX

mamapez5 said...

So sorry to hear about Milly. I know how much you will miss her. I am glad you have so many happy memories of her.
Well done to Sam. Such a cheeky smile onhis face always.
Well done on finding some good funnies in such a sad week. They did bring a smile. Kate x

Lynn Holland said...

Oh Annie my heart has fallen to the floor. I can’t believe it. It seems only yesterday she came into your lives. I’m really really sorry.
I’ll send you both the hug I would normally be sending Milly. Sorry I can’t raise a smile. Lots of love Lynn xxx

Lisca said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Milly. What a shock! I appreciate that you are finding the silver lining among your grief and sharing your grandchildren's successes. Aren'tnthey great though. You must be so proud!
Thanks for the funnies. They made me smile.
I hope you can enjoy your weekend,

LA Paylor said...

what!! out of the blue? I feel your loss, I'm stunned. Our pets are part of the family as much as anyone, and loved ones. So so sorry... Love, LeeAnna