Wednesday 22 May 2024


Didn't we have a lovely day,  the day we went to Stoke?   After an emotional day at the funeral on Friday it was so lovely to spend a day surrounded by wonderful friends.  I managed a little embroidery but mostly it was spent talking, drinking coffee and eating cakes.

I'm sure there will be many much better photos taken of the day but here's just a few I snapped.

These are the lovely ATCs etc that I was given....each one different in it's own way but they are all special.  Thanks so much to you all.

These are the raffle prizes I won....the gorgeous pic on the right was made by Angela...It will be going up on my wall of memories because I love it.

The fabric will be put to good use I am certain....just not yet because I came home with bags full of jumpers from Sarah to make some special memory cushions with,

Caro sat making a gorgeous cord while at the crop and she made it look so simple so when I got home I ordered a kit to have a go.  Sadly mine came with no instructions so Caro sent me a copy of hers [Thanks Caro] you can see I've had a go but havent mastered it yet.  I will get there but it may take me a few goes to get going lol.

Thanks for calling in.  I will do my best to pop over to yours ASAP.


Annie x


  1. I hope you have better luck with your cording than I do with my crochet. Mind you, after a lesson with Lynne on Saturday I am at least able to turn and make another row now.
    Yes, it was lovely to see everyone and I enjoyed my hugs with my little friend. Somehow they always seem special from you. I was delighted when I got to the raffle table and found i could have one of your little 'bags' and the other half enjoyed the contents along with me.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx (via Sarah's blog)

  2. Oh it was so good to see everyone at the crop Annie. Thank you for making the memory cushions. They look amazing. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  3. We had a good trip didn't we. I hope you master the cord making kit - I know you will do it. Have fun. x x Jo

  4. Oh wow the Caro's cord is amazing, hope you get the hang of it soon. Great raffle prizes. Hugs BJ#3

  5. Sure you had a great time at the crop! Lovely to see all your goodies! Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

  6. Indeed it was a lovely day - I didn't get much done either, though I ate a lot of cake!! So good to see you again! I hope you get the hang of that cording, it looks lovely. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  7. Lovely pics of a wonderful day Annie and, as you say, exactly the right thing to make you feel happier after your sad day on Friday. Hugs to you and Doddy xx. Well doen for getting some crafting done at the Crop! Caro’s cord is fab, I can see why you got the kit, have fun with that! Catch up very soon,
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  8. Lovely photos of the crop - it sounds like a fab day. The cord is lovely - I can see why you got a kit and lucky that Caro had instructions as it looks very tricky!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #8

  9. Talking, drinking coffee, eating cake - a perfect day then. Glad it all went so well. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

  10. Hi Annie, it was a great day and I am so pleased you got my canvas as I know you will love it. I'm a bit late getting round as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. Have fun with your new toy too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  11. It was great to see you although I didn't get to see too much of what people were doing, the cording does look good - I am sure you will pick it up soon. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  12. The cording looks like a great project! Always fun to try something new! Caro's card looks awesome! Congrats on your raffle wins! That is a beautiful piece by Angela! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #18

  13. Hi Annie, love the photos of the crop. Looks the perfect antidote to all the sadness you've been dealing with lately. Congratulations on the raffle prizes you won and look forward to seeing what you make with that lovely fabric. Good luck mastering the cord making - yet, another skill to add to your very long list. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie #21


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