Friday 24 May 2024

This week's smiles.....week 375

 It's been a week filled with emotions of one kind or another.  

The funeral last Friday was the largest one I've ever been to....there was almost as many standing outside the Crem as inside.  The Celebrant lead a beautiful service and everyone commented on how perfect it all was.

Saturday was the WOYWW 15th Aniversary crop in Stoke and it was so lovely to be surrounded by such special friends.  Our leader for 15 years, Julia, has handed over the baton to Sarah so there was a few words of thanks to Julia and a presentation of the collection that Jo managed to more emotions.

On Sunday we went to the theatre to watch the early KCDC dance show and this time it was not only Lexi dancing but little Theo also.  Lexi danced in 14 different dances throughout the two shows during the day and even stood in front of the stage to lead the dances for the younger dancers.  It was Theo's first time on the main stage and he danced in two different you can imagine there were more emotions for this very proud Nanny Annie.

Here's a few photos of my little dancers.  Theo loves his big cousin, as you can see.

I love rainbows and this one greeted me Monday morning....a great start to my week.

Here's my collage of the beautiful flowers in our garden this week...there seems something new to see each week....aren't we lucky? :-)

Here's a few funnies/smiles for you this week...they wouldn't fit in a collage so I've added them like last week.

This little mouse really made me smile.

There was something familiar about this photo ;-)

I hope you find something to make you smile and will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles at the bottom.


Annie x


  1. Good to see Theo following in the family entertainment footsteps! Great to see you last weekend.

  2. Lovely post. The dancing really was fab wasn't it. Your garden is looking beautiful. You don't want a tickly cough so I won't be seeing you for a day or two.🙁 x x Jo

  3. Oh well done Theo and Lexie! They are doing so well!
    I’m glad the funeral went well.
    WOYWW 15 years? I can’t believe it! I took part 10 years ago but I hardly craft nowadays so there’s no work desk to show.
    The flowers in your garden are beautiful. I miss my English garden. I have an allotment here but it’s not easy to get at it.
    Thanks for the funnies. I always look at them over breakfast so I start my Friday with a smile.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Sounds like a good good-bye-service.
    And yes to the dancing!!!
    For once I must say I like blogger - the funnies are easier to catch this way and the last one really cracked me up!!! To a Friday full of smiles and laughter...

  5. So Theo has joined in with the dancing as well. I hope he continues to enjoy it. It is so good for them to do, and good to be part of a group. (When my Jonathan was five or six he joined a disco dance group and was the only boy with around 30 girls. He stuck with it for a year and got his first medal, but then moved on to gymnastics and swimming).
    You are indeed lucky to have so many beautiful flowers around you.
    I smiled at the funnies and love the litle mouse. Kate x

  6. So little Theo is dncing now too. It is so good for him, and good to belong to a 'group'. I hope he continues to enjoy it. (When my Jonathan was five or six he joined a disco dance group. He was the only boy in a group of around 30 girls, but he stuck with it for a year and gained his first medal. Then he moved on to gymnastics and swimming).
    You are indeed lucky to have so many beautiful flowers around you.
    I am glad the funeral went smoothly. Kate P.

  7. Hi Annie, your posts always make me smile. Your grand children look as though they all enjoy the dancing, very good for keeping you fit. My hubby has more sense than to use my fabric scissors for anythingas it knows what might happen! Take care, hugs Angela xXx

  8. that last comic.... so true but funny

  9. Thanks for the warm and the wonderful! Bless you. Aloha!


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