Wednesday 1 May 2024


 Here we are at another weekly catch up with our creative friends all around the world....It's the best day of the week for me.  I'm really hoping to go to the crop later in the month even though it's the day after my brother in law's funeral.....I am sure a day with friends is just what will be needed.  I checked with Sarah as to how many she expects to attend and decided I needed to make some ATCs to take with me so that's what's on my desk today.

I started by strip quilting a long length of fabric and then machine embroidered down each strip, cut them into ATCs and embroidered around each one.  I then added tiny flowers.  If I'm honest I wasn't feeling very creative but I'm rather pleaded with the finished results....I hope everyone that comes to the crop will like them too.


Annie x


  1. They are fab and look so pretty in real life. x x Jo

  2. Hello Annie, im popping by with a monthly update. It’s been so full on there’s not been time for blogging so I’ve done a round up of April instead. Sending a big hug to you and Milly of course
    Lynn - 13

  3. Oh your Welcoming Wreath is gorgeous. Such a pretty layout with your strip quilting. So sorry for your loss. Wishing you Sunshine and a Happy MAY DAY.

  4. So sorry to hear you will be at a funeral the day before the crop. Will be thinking of you and your dear hubby.
    Such a sad time for you both.
    Hope you can make the crop though - those ATC's look lovely so need handing out not mailing.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  5. Hi Annie, the ATCs look lovely. I started mine a couple of weeks ago but kept getting distracted so will have to get my finger out now. See you soon and happy woyww, Angela x12x

  6. Please , please don't worry about making cake Annie - it will be enough to see you at the crop. I will be thinking about you the day before. Love the look of the ATCs. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  7. Oh I can see they are going to be absolutely darling! I have a couple of yours I think, from years very much gone by. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it as it's about 3+ hours away but I'll think of you all. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #7

  8. Thanks for the visit and your ATC's look so beautiful! The fabric is so pretty! Enjoy your crop Michelle #19

  9. Your ATC’s look great to me. Great idea to distribute them at the crop. Arrived at our first site of the year yesterday. Beautiful views. The wind started in the evening, kept going all night, then about 7 am two of the bands holding the awning down snapped and as my husband was trying to do something, the awning flipped over the caravan! Disaster, ripped awning, broken poles! What a start to the holiday! Angela #15

  10. What clever ATCs! I'm sure everyone will love them! Have a great week, Lindart #22


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