Friday 3 May 2024

This week's smiles....weel 372

 It's been one of those weeks when I've not got many photos to share with you but my biggest smile was when I filled my tax return in on's not something I enjoy doing but I smiled a lot when it was finished :-)

I decided to go around our garden and to take pics to share with you all....the best bit was how many I found.  As you can see we have lots to keep us smiling.

There was even a busy bee sitting in one of the yellow Welsh poppies.

I managed to find some funnies to share with you too.

This one especially made me chuckle.

I will be joining other family members later to plan the funeral service for my brother in law so I may be late getting round to say hello this week so please be patient with me.

Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and link up to your smiles below.


Annie x


  1. Taxes, owwww.... August I can start... have to!
    Great funnies and oh. Sorry you lost your BIL. I hope the service will be good.
    In Germany we have a meal together afterwards and if lucky do not cry but tell each other funny stories of the lost one and laugh.
    I hope you have that also... Be strong...

  2. Well done on the tax form. Your garden is looking very colorful and the warmer weather is making me smile. 20 degrees yesterday! x x Jo

  3. Well done you for filling in your tax return. I am ‘fortunate’ that I only have pensions as income and they get taxed at source. So no hassle there.
    What lovely flowers in your garden. Who is the gardener in your family? Your hubby or you?
    The funnies made me giggle.
    I wish you strength through the coming days with dealing with the aftermath of the death of your b-i-l and the planning of the funeral. But after that there will be the crop where you can let your hair down and relax.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  4. Hi Annie, well done at getting the tax return done and good luck at sorting the service too. Garden looking good and I'm loving the funnies especially the cow jumping over the moon and the doggy ones obviously. Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  5. Well done on the tax return. I am lucky in that Chris does mine online at the same time as his own, though I don't often have anything to pay.
    Your garden is so colourful at every time of year. These pictures are so pretty. I am sure it involves quite a bit of work to keep it looking so good.
    I hope the planning of the funeral is not too difficult, and that the service runs smoothly to your plan. Thinking of you all. Kate x

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Your flowers are lush

  7. Thanks for the warm-hearted laughs. God bless your family. Aloha


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