Friday 12 November 2021

This week's smiles....week 447

 Here we are at another round up of the week's smiles.  It's been a busy week for me making my Christmas cards....this is because I've had few customers and I like to make the best of every day.  Saying that I have 6 Memory bears coming today and a string of Harry Potter to make [all cut out ready] and I have also been asked to replace zips in work trousers for the company my hubby used to work for [they have a back log of these needing doing and now have 50 pairs to do so I will be kept busy for a day or two].

We both went to a walk in centre for our Covid boosters on Wednesday and have also got appointments booked at a local chemist for our Flu jabs so we should survive the Winter then hopefully :-)

I have just a couple of photo collages to share with you today....

This is one Amy does of each of her children on their birthdays each year and this was Phoebe's 13th birthday one.  It really only seems like 5 minutes since I had the very emotional phone call in the middle of the night to tell me she had been she is taller than me [that doesn't take a lot of beating!] and wears size 6 shoes!!....and she really is a beautiful girl inside and out.

Amy's black lab went to the vets this week to be Neutered ...the top photo is her coming home still a little drowsy with her vest on to protect her stitches.

The bottom one was yesterday....she is already recovering well and played Houdini in the night and managed to get her vest off!!

That's all my photos for this week.  I hope you have lots to smile about and will share your smiles by linking up below.


Annie x


  1. It’s amazing that dogs can do these things considering they don’t have the use of hands. I’m glad she is looking better.
    Phoebe is gorgeous. Happy birthday to you Phoebe. I love the photo collage.
    Has the material for the bears arrived yet? I hope it hasn’t got lost. But it’s great you’ve been able to do Christmas cards.
    I’m having my booster jab on the 22 nd, and hubby has to wait until we’ve seen the docs as we still don’t know when his surgery will be.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  2. Late for Wednesday, so why not Friday! beautiful Phoebe, my goodness 13 years old…it’s been a breeze of happy pictures for those of us that follow you Annie, I hope her teen years are a lot of fun. I hope too that the fabric you’re expecting has turned up..that feeling in the pit of your tummy when it’s not going to plan, just awful with something so special. Loving the Christmas card preps Annie, I only wish I could say the same!

  3. Oh Annie. Fifty zips in work trousers; rather you than me!
    I do hope the material arrives soon so you can make those bears.
    A lovely collage of Phoebe. I am sure she enjoyed her birthday. Here's hoping she has many happy years ahead of her.
    It is almost impossible to cover an animal wounds, which is why we settled for the collar on Kim at night. He hated that too!. But I am sure she will heal quite quickly and back to her normal self. Kate x

  4. Good luck with all the sewing! xx Jo

  5. Animals are funny and capable of things we don't expect including taking their clothes off. They also seem to get over stuff quickly and generally don't seem bothered by having bits removed. The children's photographs are lovely and great memories to keep. Hope you are able to get all those jobs done, sounds like a lot of work. Goodness knows what they've been doing with those zips Lol! Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  6. my lab managed to pull her stitches almost out while waiting in the car for me to pay the vet... houdinis

  7. I think the Covid booster I got on Wednesday contained a sleeping pill instead. I can't seem to stay awake, no matter what I try. That's why I didn't leave a comment after I linked this morning.

    I love seeing the photos of Phoebe in her birthday. What a treat to watch her grow up over the years.

    Glad Betsy is doing well enough to slip out of her restraining vest. Let's hope those stitches don't come out as easily as the vest came off. Hope you have a great weekend and far less effect on your booster than I.

  8. In the blink of an eye Phoebe is a young lady. How lovely to see each stage of her growing up.
    Not playing today Annie as I’ve been gadding about again. This time at a shibori workshop in Todmorden.
    I’ll tell you more on Wednesday. Forgot my phone so I’m waiting for folk to send me some pics.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend
    Lynn xxx


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