Friday 11 December 2020

This week's smiles...week 400

 Wow!! 400 happy posts.  How blessed are we to have had enough smiles to celebrate 400 weeks?  Keep up the good work folks and a huge thank you to all those that join in each week.

My smiles this week have been many...I've had a busy week with sewing this week and that always makes me smile.....I'm in the middle of making 5 Memory bears for a lady from that really is something to smile about isn't it?

Gina has set Theo's play room up as Santa's Workshop and, as you can see, he's having lots of fun dressed up as one of the elves helping Santa.  :-)

The twins have had their annual visit from Bob, their elf on the shelf and he, his wife Betty and their friends have been up to mischief as's a few pics of what they have been up to this year so far....

So much fun is being had by all :-)

And what have we been up to?  This our latest Wasgij jigsaw.  It was called 'The Full Monty' and we had to make the picture of what the lady on the front of the box could see!!  We have certainly had a giggle making this one even though it did feel a little strange when we realised the finished jigsaw had bare bums on the picture. :-)

I hope it's made you smile too.

Please share your smiles for the week by linking them below and keep up the good job of making the world a happier place.
Annie x


  1. Those elves on a shelf get around, don't they? So cute and funny. They sure put a smile on my face. One woman (who does it for her children) laid out some flour on the counter and made a snow angel from her elf. That was the funniest I have seen.

    That puzzle was a hoot. Yes, I laughed. At least The Full Monty was from the back! Have a super weekend and congrats on 400 Smiles, Annie.

  2. Ah such happy times for the children - so good that they can have fun and enjoy the build up to Christmas this year of all years! xx Jo

  3. Well done 400 smiles that's some going and pleased to be part of it. Loving all your elves and the jigsaw is quite a hoot to say the least. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  4. Well done on 400 weeks of smiles. That's quite something, and how lucky are we to always be able to find something to make us smile.
    I am quite glad the Elf on the shelf wasn't around when my boys were little, but the twins do get a lot of pleasure from him and his pals. I can see that.
    I hope you are taking a week off sewing when those last bears are done. You have earned a break.
    Keep finding thingsd to make you smile.
    Kate x

  5. Congratulations on your 400th blog post. That is wonderful, and also makes you realize how time flies!
    I love the little elves with their mask on. They get everywhere don't they.
    Little Theo is such a lucky boy to have parents (and grandparents) that stimulate him through all sorts of play. He looks so happy playing Santa's workshop.
    The jigsaw really made me smile. As did your reaction to the bare bum. You obviously never saw the film where the boys do a strip tease. One of my favorite films in them days. It's about a group of unemployed young men in the north of England after the collapse of the steel industry. Because of that it has serious undertones but in effect it was quite a funny film. And the music was great too.
    Have a lovely weekend,


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