Wednesday 14 October 2020


Hello all.  This wanderer has returned to the fold this week.  I was away on holiday down in Cornwall with my darling hubby last week with no internet.  Our cottage was advertised as having internet but sadly there was none so I had to rely on my phone for the week....not easy when you run a business! It rained every day but we made the best of our time together.  We saw most places from the safety of our car so the photos I hope to share with you on Friday are mostly taken from the car window.  The world is rather strange out there but we scanned all the track and trace codes, wore masks and used hand gel everywhere but we felt safe.

So, on my desk today.....

I was asked for some special face masks so had to buy more material....such a hardship isn't it? [and I put another order in for more Christmas fabrics yesterday too].

I came home to orders for more masks so I spent Monday filling my box of every day and Christmas masks.

Monday afternoon I was brought 3 nurses dresses to shorten.  My customer had just had promotion so needed her new dresses shortening by 15"....yes she's only little!  Of course yesterday was spent looking after Theo and Maisie dog so these didn't get get done then and are waiting for me to do today.

That's all I have to share today so I will say thanks for calling by and if you leave me a message I will do my best to pop over to yours ASAP to see what you've been up to.


Annie x


  1. shame about the weather on your trip, look forward to seeing views through the window on Friday! Hope you get the nurses uniforms shortened today. Helen #1

  2. Love the funky fabric! Enjoy your week. xx Jo

  3. Blimey, thats one petite nurse, over a foot off the uniforms, good grief! Glad you enjoyed your time away, sorry about the rain but hey, it’s all about change of pace and scenery and being together, so all good I’m sure. That’s some very flash mask making fabric there missus, I expect the animal prints will be snapped up, in clothing, they’re very popular arent they.

  4. At first I thought "why does she need her dresses shortening because she has had promotion" and then I saw the word "New" and understood. Doh, what am I like?
    Glad you and hubby had a lovely week, Cornwall is such a special place.
    Had to smile at the fabric for the masks, reminded me of Bett Lynch of the Rovers fame. She always dressed in leopard skin tops and things so it is a bit of a joke up north.
    Stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  5. Annie, you're not late! I haven't even started my rounds yet, LOL! Sounds like you're extremely busy so I'm very grateful you've taken the time to visit already. Love the array of colourful fabrics you used for making masks. Happy shortening - 15" is a lot! Good luck to your nurse customer in her new position - I admire people who choose healthcare for a profession! It must be very stressful at times. I'm trying to make their jobs easier by staying out of trouble! Happy Wednesday and thanks so much for your visit! xx zsuzsa #20

  6. HI Annie, glad you had a lovely break- we love Cornwall, so many fabulous places to visit. MOst annoying to have no internet, funny how it's become something we have to have these days. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  7. Hi Annie. It has taken me all morning to pick up my click and collect order, so I am really late (for me) starting to work down the list - sorry!
    15 inches??!! Golly, you would think that uniforms came in a variety of lengths, wouldn't you - trust they are all done now. Glad you had a good time away despite the weather. I haven't been anywhere since I stayed for 2 nights with Mr and Mrs D over in Lincolnshire the week before lockdown! Oh well - next year hopefully.
    More material??? Goodness me - what a surprise...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  8. Annie, glad you had time to get away with your hubby, and safely as well! Love the array of masks....such lovely colorful options!! Hope you have a blessed rest of the week!! Felicia, #22

  9. Glad to hear you enjoyed your break despite the weather and no internet!! Good work on the masks bu I'm still wondering about shortening those uniforms by 15" - my, that is short!! Happy Wednesday, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #21

  10. Glad you had a nice time away despite the weather. The masks look fantastic. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  11. Glad you had a break-we are to all intents and purposes locked down in Lanarkshire. Love the fabric, looked at the weBsite, and resisted!! I can't believe I did that but I was trying to set up an online account with Asda to save our daughter having to do our shopping. Happy sewing.

  12. Those are fabulous new fabrics I'm seeing more and more designs on peoples faces unlike the surgical ones I see mostly discarded on the floors, such a shameful sight. Glad you managed a break, even though the weather wasn't the best a change of scenery must have been uplifting.
    Have fun with your alterations & Happy WoywW Tracey #11

  13. Hello Annie glad that you enjoyed your break despite the weather. Like the fabrics. Take care Anne #33

  14. Hi Annie. You thought you were late! well I'm even later. Been out in the garden all day till dusk and now trying to catch up with the visits. Looks like you've been busy again! Sorry to hear about the weather but at least it keeps people in doors. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x19x

  15. Shame about the weather, but sounds like you still managed to get about. Yes we have Internet, but not when we get there is a common problem when we are out with the caravan. Some areas of the country are worse than others. Happy WOYWW Angela #29

  16. Glad you had a nice break Annie - I hope your review mentioned the lack of internet, that was naughty of the cottage letters. Love the new mask fabric! STay safe. Sraah #3

  17. Glad you enjoyed your trip, and wow that's a lot of masks you made already! I should make some more myself as we are (finally!) forced to wear them in public overhere too. Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday. In the Netherlands there were stricter rules announced (masks!) in order to get the covid-number down but I am allowed to stay working at location - pfew! That's a release! Stay healthy and happy! Love from Holland. Marit #2

  18. Some ways no internet means a quieter time away Annie, glad you had a break anyway. Yes, shame you had to buy some material, bit like me when my ink pad dried out 😆 had to shop!
    Well done on catch up with masks, and 15” off those is a lot.. but we know about being short eh?!
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. I guess you took a media break whether you wanted to or not. Bummer about the rain, but away is still away which I would take at this point :) Great new masks! ~ Blessings on your week

  20. I'm glad you had a nice break in Cornwall, Annie, even though the weather wasn't the best. Sometimes it's good to have a bit of a break from the Internet! 15 inches is a lot to take up!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #17


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