Friday 17 July 2020

This week's smiles...week 380

Oh what a week it's been.  All was calm on Monday night when I went to bed but at 7am when I turned my Ipad on I had 12 customers in a queue wanting to order face masks following the news that they were being made compulsory in shops soon.  I worked nonstop all day Tuesday selling the masks I had available to the ones in the queue and making more and by bedtime on Tuesday there was a queue of 15 on my Sewing by Annie Facebook page!!  I was up early on Wednesday morning to make more masks and was selling all day until 9.30pm!!  From 7am Tuesday to 9.30 on Wednesday I had made and sold 102 masks....hence why I couldn't join in the WOYWW fun. 

So I'm doing a quick round up of my smiles for you today...

My biggest smile was that I managed to get my hair cut....and yes I was feeling / looking pretty miserable with it long.

Amy had a friend round to tidy up the garden and, as Phoebe was in school, Lulu and Steve gave him a helping hand.   If you look closely in the right hand pic you will see that Molly dog is giving a hand too...she pulled a branch along side the children each time they went. :-)

Mark and Theo got their photos and a write up in our local paper this week...aren't they lovely photos?

The twins had a last day in school with their mummy this week having fun being pirates....I love their hats and eye patches. :-)

Lulu and Steve enjoyed a trip to pick strawberries this week. :-)
Yum yum

Finally here's a funny for this week.  Saw it and just had to share it :-)

Please leave me a little comment and then link to your own smiles below.
Annie  x


  1. wow that is a busy mask making week! Haircut looks good - it really does feel good after doesn't it! Great photos and love the coverage of the family in the paper. Hope you have a slightly more restful week!

  2. You had a very busy week making masks, Annie. I saw that about masks on another web site and told my friend Sally about it one day when I called her. I don't think she thought it was as funny as I did. Masks are mandatory for anyone over the age of five here in Kansas. I'm SO glad our governor made them mandatory. She also has required that anyone returning from the states that are so hard hit by the virus MUST self isolate for 14 days or be fined. Not sure how they will be able to enforce it, but I hope they at least try.

    Nice write up about Mark and Theo. He is SO grown up already.

    Love your haircut. I can tell you are a lot happier now that it's cut.

    Our salons are not open yet, so we can't get haircuts from professionals. My hair was down to my neck, albeit not as long as yours, and my friend Scott cut the back and sides. He wasn't sure how to get the top, so he left it. As long as it's off my neck, I could care less. A man with an electric razor is a godsend.

    The twins look good with their eye patches. Theirs look a lot better than my patch. Have a super Friday and weekend, too.

  3. Lovely photos - they are all growing up so fast. Keep up the mask making - you are doing a great service! xx Jo

  4. I’m really not surprised to hear you are run off your feet with orders for mask Annie. I personally think it’s going to put some people off going out.
    Isn’t having your hair done the best feeling ever. I had mine coloured yesterday and apart from the masks its like old times having Angela back at our house on a Thursday.
    The photos of the children are a joy. Let’s hope they all enjoy their summer break now
    Much love
    Lynn xx

  5. Nothing like a good hair cut to make you smile! Masks are definitely a hot commodity these days ~ especially comfortable ones. Playgrounds and school are on my fall wish list. Stay well and keep smiling

  6. Oh wow that's a lot of masks. I just hope the move to masks goes smoothly as it does make sense. I know there are people who will have problems with it but even they have to see that we need to keep each other safe and if we want to put an end to it we all have to do our bit, in your case A lot! Great to see the children keeping busy too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  7. I do apologise for joining so late. I went out this morning and completely forgot!
    Wow! You are busy! We have been using masks for a while but I haven't seen many people wearing the home made (fabric) masks. I had to smile at the explanation about fabric masks. But I think there is a lot of truth in it, funny though it might be.
    Well done Theo for getting his smiley face in the local newspaper. Seeing him is a delight.
    The twins as pirates are fun to look at too. Children seem to have so much fun at school these days.
    I must say you look great with your new haircut. It makes a person feel human again doesn't it.
    Strawberries, yumm. It's fun to go strawberry picking. I remember one year when my sister and I were about 14 and 16, the only way we could afford to go on holiday in the UK was to stay in Tiptree on a campsite that was free if you picked a certain amount of strawberries. So in the morning we all joined the pickers on the tractor, picked our quota of strawberries and had loads of fun. In the afternoon we would go sightseeing, or played cricket on the camp site. It was in the days of the Beatles hit: Strawberry fields Forever. So whenever I hear that song, I remember our fun holiday in Tiptree.
    Have a lovely weekend (I hope you get some time off)

  8. Lucky you having had a haircut-my hairdresser is booked until about September! All the family photos are super-what active children they all are. We went out in the van today to Ayr in the rain-at least it wasn’t busy. Had a short walk to try and strengthen Norrie’s leg. Happy weekend.

  9. I just love all the rolling countryside around Amy's home. Those children are so lucky growing up there. It is good that they are learning to help in the garden. There is a lot of it to look after. I wonder how many strawberries ended up inside them instead of in the punnets!
    You look much happier with your new haircut. I am quite enjoying growing mine out to see where it goes. I had long hair until I was over forty, and even then it wasn't ever very short, but in Spain the 'short back and sides' approach is more practical. But since the lock-down forced me to get through the awful growing out stage when it is neither one thing nor the other, I thought I'd take one last opportunity to have it a bit longer. It does make me quite hot sometimes but it will soon be long enough to tie back, but I expect it will all come off soon.
    Top marks to you for making all those masks. You must be sick of the sight of them. No wonder you are so tired. And memory bears too. Well done. Your cartoon certainly made its point. Kate x


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