Friday 10 July 2020

This week's smiles...week 379

Another week has passed and although it's been a rather cold and wet week I've still found lots to keep me smiling...but no garden flower pic as sadly many of them had suffered with the wet weather.....and it's been too wet to feel like going out to take pics. So this week my smiles are focussed on my family [and mostly of one certain young lady getting ready for her new life].

Amy's three have enjoyed their time together during lockdown and I really love this photo of them.

At the end of last week Phoebe had to go into school for her leavers picnic lunch and to collect her leavers hoody with her name on [pink of course].  Her school teacher spoke about each child in turn and what he said about Phoebe was really special so there have been many proud moments this week.

All three of them have had really glowing school reports this week too so this Nanny couldn't be more proud of them and the wonderful job their mummy and daddy have done to get them there.

Phoebe's new school uniform arrived this week and of course she had to try it all to show only seems 5 mins since I took very similar photos of her mummy.

Oh how quickly time passes.  This was her first day at school and her last few days at the same school....she has grown up into one really lovely young side and out.

Theo has gone with his mummy and daddy for a few days in a caravan locally [not by the coast] and as you can see the campsite has made a 'beach' for the children to play....thankfully it stopped raining long enough for them to play on it.

My last photo is of one very soggy doggy.  She loves to sit by the patio doors looking out on the garden and then to run out to chase anything that moves....usually leaves or petals off the flowers this week!
She gets in all the wet shrubs and comes out soaked!....that's dogs for you :-)

I hope you have enjoyed my smiles this week and will share yours by linking up below.
Annie x


  1. Great pics of Phoebe and well done on their reports. It looks a bit chilly playing in that sand!

  2. I was trying to find out what "Leavers" is, but got caught up reading things other than what I was looking for. STILL don't know, but I'm happy for Phoebe, who is definitely looking good. Lovely to see a child age over the years, too. Have a super Friday and weekend, Annie.

  3. Lovely photos of Phoebe ready for her new adventure and with her sister and brother. The seaside photos are so lovely-a little one doesn’t care where he is as long as there’s sand to play in. Happy weekend to you and your lovely husband and hope you can have a break from sewing.

  4. Happy days - they are all growing up so quickly - such lovely kids. xx Jo

  5. Lovely lovely blog post. It’s so nice to see them all including soggy Milly heehee.
    Thanks Annie for the smiles
    Lynn xxx

  6. Hi Annie, this is one time of the year I miss the most. I used to organise the leavers balls for year ten and eleven and it was fabulous to see how they had all changed from when they first started secondary school and I can tell you the time past really quickly. I'm still finding little cards and letters that they used to send me. Looks like you've all done a good job with yours. Soggy dog maybe but by the look on her face she doesn't care. I have to cover the sofa in the conservatory as Stan thinks everything is a towel and loves to dry himself on everything. I usually have to grab him quickly with a large towel. I'm sure he thinks it's some sort of game where I try to grab him and he tries to escape. Have a lovely weekend. The sun's out here so maybe it's on it's way to you too. Hugs, Angela xXx

  7. Wow, time flies! I assume that 'leavers' means she is leaving elementary school and going into secondary education. That is a big step.
    It's fun to see the difference in uniform (and of Phoebe of course) between the first and the last day of school.
    I think her new school uniform does not look much different to the old one. They are both blue with a grey skirt. But then Phoebe looks great in everything!
    Lovely photos of Theo in the sand pit, and a soaking wet Milly made me smile too.
    Have a good week and I hope the weather gets a bit better for you. (I spotted Theo's mum with a winter jacket, it must be cold)

  8. Yes, you are right that most of the funnies were pretty lame. Like the one of the burly man and the weak man: The fun bit was in the challenges: Archery, Bake off and Insect identification!

  9. It's a big step for Phoebe, but mum and dad have prepared her well and she looks excited about it.
    It looks a bit chilly where Theo is, but what a good idea to make a beach for the children, and he certainly seems to be enjoying it.
    I am glad I don't have too many wet dogs to deal with. Mine run and hide at the first sign of rain!
    Kate x


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