Friday 24 April 2020

This week's smiles...week 368

Hello all and a very happy Friday to you all.  I'm here to do my little bit to make the world a happier place by sharing a few smiles with you.  Of course, we are all still in lockdown so my smiles come from the things around me and what my family share with us over the net....but, as always, there's still plenty to keep us smiling.

I will start off with my family's smiles...

Theo has been camping and enjoying the seaside in their back garden....he did say that he loved playing in their garden seaside but was really looking forward to going to the real one when they could :-)

Amy's three are doing their school work each morning and then really making the best of their garden each afternoon.
The two pics at the bottom is a game they play to learn their multiplication tables :-)

Lexi has had to share pics of when she started her dance lessons and at the stage she's at now....oh how she's altered in that time...from a little shy toddler doing her first ballet classes to a confident 8 year old doing tap, jazz and contemporary dance and also musical theatre classes.

Our raised vegetable bed is sprouting and every row of seeds is now's so exciting.  Nature really is amazing.
The potato bags are growing really well and so is the courgette plant.

Here's the latest bloomers in the garden....and there's even more coming into bloom now.  Nature seems to be trying hard to make us smile.

I hope you have enjoyed my shares for this week and will link up to your own at the bottom.
Keep smiling and stay safe my friends.
Annie x


  1. It must be great to share time over the internet with your families while in lock down. Great photos of all the kids, but Lexi is the one that impressed me. I remember those curls when she was that age. It's amazing I've been visiting you this long, Annie.

    I can't believe your garden. I'm hoping my friend Scott can get me some plants this year, since I only have herb seeds and it is too early to put them in the ground here. We had snow last week, and rain day after day, too. Your climate is so different from mine and I am loving seeing your wonderful blooms as well as your veggie garden.

    Thanks for hosting, stay safe, and smile. Have a super Friday and rest of the weekend. I have to get to bed, since Scott is going shopping for me tomorrow and I have to walk him through the aisles so he can get what I need. At least my phone works great (grin). I'll be back to visit everyone later today after I get some sleep.

  2. FAb pics of the family enjoying school work and fun too... stay safe and take care.

  3. I’m late for Wednesday. I think. I can’t tell anymore! Love your mask production, it must be rather encouraging to know that there’s customers out there after everything just fell off a cliff. Everyone will need to have their clothes let out after lockdown, so I predict your customer base will not have disappeared!! What fab pics of your littlest having fun and making the most of the weather, so nice to see such energy. After I’ve made the most of the weather in the garden, I’m knee sore and desperate for a things change. Your garden is looking glorious!

  4. Lovely to see that the kids are happy and well occupied - as they always are! Your garden is looking splendid! xx Jo

  5. Wow you garden is gorgeous. Yes, I agree with the joy of seeing the seedling grow and eventually produce a crop. It is a miracle each time. The flowers are beautiful!
    It is a pleasure to see the children enjoying the glorious weather. Better this way than being cooped up indoors.
    Lexi has grown into a beautiful girl. I remember seeing her like that small. Has it been that long?
    And Theo is enjoying himself too. Bless him. I bet you miss them.
    I just looked at your previous post. Good for you for making those masks. And like Julia comments: poeople will need their clothes let out big time after the lockdown! You won't be without a job.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  6. so much to smile about here ~ Terrific pictures ~ Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Hi Annie, I almost forgot what day it is and we've been out in the gardening doing some pruning and though I would normally do most of this in the autumn we've been caught out with the weather so many times that it really needed doing. You flowers are looking gorgeous. A friend of mine's son-in-law grows bulbs in his allotment and then sells them on line but this year it's gone mad and they are running out of packaging. Maybe he should forget the fact he has a good honours degree in horticulture and just grow stuff in the allotment! Pleased to see the family doing well too. Have a lovely safe weekend, Angela xXx

  8. Lovely photos of family and very productive garden. I’ve been busy in our garden earlier mainly doing some brightening up where I can. Happy weekend. Catriona

  9. Oh how fast the children do grow up don't they. It is lovely seeing the way they amuse themselves. It hasn't been warm enough here for a paddling pool yet!
    Your garden is flourishing. I love the red Pieris. I believe it is called Forest Flame. I had one in my garden over there. All the flowers are lovely. They are enjoying cleaner air and giving a lovely happy show for Spring.
    God to hear you are all keeping well. Kate x


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