Friday 27 March 2020

This week's smiles....week 364

Hello to all my visitors.  Now, more than ever we all need to looks for the smiles in our lives and share them with our friends.  We need to check to make sure we are all coping and staying well in this difficult time and we must be very thankful for the technology of today for making this easy for us.

I have many smiles from my last week to share with you....

Our three children all check up on us daily and have been sharing some lovely photos from the activities they are filling their days with.  Of course we are all missing the hugs and cuddles but we will get through it.....and just think of the catching up we will have to have then.

Amy's three have been doing a daily workout with Joe Wicks on Utube, baking, escapology and school work on the computer...they do like to make us smile.

The twins have also done some lovely baking and have been working out with Joe on U tube but, as you can see, they have also been doing some balloon modelling too.

Theo has enjoyed doing some exercises with Joe too and has also made a wonderful rocket with boxes, cardboard tubes and stickers etc plus has enjoyed water play on a builders tray in their kitchen.

As you can see all our grandchildren are adapting well to their home schooling and isolation....thankfully they are all well and easily amused.

This makes me smile a lot.

Our garden continues to give us a lot to smile about and we have had some really stunning blue skies lately to be thankful for.....even the first little forget-me-nots have started to open.

We have been planting seeds and are already being rewarded with [clockwise from top left] a courgette plant, 2 cucumber plants, the first little potato has started to shoot and just look at all those little tomato plants on the bottom left.

Even though the world around us is a little crazy right now nature carries on and hopefully when all this madness settles down we will have lots of rewards from the garden.

 Finally, there are lots of folk putting pictures in their windows of rainbows to make others smile so I thought I'd add this one here and here's a link to the song.  I have always sang this to my children so it's a firm favourite with me...I really hope it brightens your day too.
I really hope you are all coping well and most of all staying safe and well.
Annie x


  1. It's wonderful to see all the children making use of their time while they are in lock down. It's wonderful to see you are keeping up with them and their activities. Seeing them all in the same post reminds me how much they all look alike. No wonder I get them confused at times (grin).

    Your beautiful flowers are doing so much better than mine. Mother Nature doesn't care about the world around her, as long as she gets plenty of needed water and sunshine.

    Stay safe yourself, Annie. You are in a better position than I right now. Although I've always thought Boris Johnson was a bit of a buffoon, he gave such a forceful, eloquent, and unambiguous speech when he told the country he was locking it down, there was NO way I couldn't admire him. He was SO unlike Trump who daily sends mixed messages and criticizes anyone who doesn't agree with him. Keep smiling. I am. And have a super weekend, too. Do you remember when the media used to say the internet was going to isolate us? WELL, aren't we lucky we have it now!

  2. A wonderful smiley post Annie! Lovely to see all the "home schooling". Great fun. xx Jo

  3. Your photos have brightened my morning, Annie, thank you. We are keeping busy at home and I am also leaving time to play ie sew and do my jigsaw. Keep safe and we’ll hopefully meet again in the autumn. X

  4. Oh the kids are growing so tall. Fun to peep about your posts. You are way head of flowers and color. We still don't have green grass. Love that little photo of grandson on the computer ! So professional looking. Keep smiling, it's a necessary feature thru these times. Hugs

  5. Hi Annie, your post is certainly something to smile about. Your grandchildren, like mine, are obviously making the best of things - with a lot of help from their parents too. And bless Joe Wicks! Love the twins matching sweatshirts - I thought, before I enlarged the photo, that they had 'Twin 1' and Twin 2' on their fronts. Theo's rocket reminds of of the days of Blue Peter and Tracy Island. Lovely photos from your garden and those blue skies are a sight for sore eye. Ours is cloudy and grey today. I'm trying to visualise where your potato patch is - there's nothing quite as good as homegrown veggies. We both have featured rainbows today - because I haven't been any further than my garden I wasn't aware that they were being displayed in windows. It's a nice thought. Hope you and Dod are keeping well and staying safe. Hugs, Ellie xx

  6. It's great to see the grandies enjoying themselves. They are so lucky to have lovely parents who keep them busy and have lots of imagination.
    Wow, those rabbits are something else! They will become treasured heirlooms I'm sure. (I'm also looking at Wednesday's post)
    Your seedling have come on well! It's wonderful to see things grow.
    In our nearest town Baza many ladies are sewing masks for the hospital. They distribute the fabric and the pattern and organize the pick-up. Have they not organized anything similar in your area? I have not been able to participate as I don't live near enough.
    The hospitals are also asking for people to donate their diving masks. The type that the sports store Decathlon sells. The postmen are collecting them from people who are willing to donate theirs. (they can sterilize them in the hospitals.) There are lots of things going on and that is positive.
    Have a good weekend, enjoy your sewing, enjoy being with your hubby and enjoy the garden when the weather permits.

  7. What a lucky lady you are to be able to see what your grandies are up to they are so keen to get involved with different activities though I think you and their parents might have had a big influence on them! The flowers are looking beautiful in the garden. I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you busy. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  8. A lovely cheerful post Annie. The children are keeping well occupied. Joe is doing a grand job keeping old and young moving, nationwide.
    Your garden is beautiful, especially with that blue sky behind the trees. I hope it lasts for you.
    The seeds all look good and strong. You should have a good harvest later on.
    We are so lucky to have so much technology to keep in touch with everyone aren't we. Love to you both.
    Kate x

  9. I haven't seen any rainbows in my road (it's a small cul-de-sac) but there were quite a lot of us clapping for the NHS/carers yesterday which was very moving. Glad the little ones are managing to have fun and keep busy in isolation. Being able to keep in touch must be a great comfort to you.. Big hugs.xx


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