Friday 22 November 2019

This week's smiles....week 347

Christmas is fast approaching and my Sewing room is being kept very busy and that always keeps me smiling.

Wanting to get fitter and loose weight we have both started going to the gym this week and have found muscles we haven't used for a while....fingers crossed we will find the exercises easier soon and start to notice the benefits....I'm on a 14 week course advised by my Dr but my darling hubby is coming with me so that has to be worth smiling about eh?

My shared photos this week are Grandchildren based...and they never fail to keep us smiling...

Last Friday was Children in Need day and all the Grandchildren had to go to their schools dressed with spots in mind...and then each of give money towards the charity for the pleasure of going in dressed up.

We had a long day with little Theo on Tuesday.  We were up at silly o'clock to be ready for him and he didn't go home til after tea so we had lots of fun all day as you can see....he really loves building with the K'nex and has made a 'tree' out of the 'stars' he's made...such an imagination for a 3 year old.
He then got the pushchair and dolly out...he is so much like his daddy who had his own dolly at this age...I think it means they will make good daddies [I know Mark has].

Amy sent me photos of the girls cooking a lasagna for their tea....they make a good team cooking together and it really makes me smile that they are able to cook meals like this.

Michelle had bought a new fun cook book of how to make cakes in a tea cup using the microwave oven and Sam is showing the chocolate chip cookie he'd made.  The hardest part was waiting until it had cooled enough to eat it. :-)

That's all my snaps for this week.  Please leave me a little hello comment and then link up to your own smiles if you can so I can see what's been making you smile this week.
Annie x


  1. Great pics! what a fun week they have all had!


  2. It is such a pleasure to see those girls cook! And lasagna is a lovely meal. Did I spot pasta sheets being cooked? Tell them, you can buy the precooked ones nowadays. They cook in the oven with the moisture of the sauces you put in with it.
    Theo is so gorgeous, but you must have your hands full all day and not get much work done.
    Cake in a mug! How yummy. I'd better not go down that road! Or I'd be fat as a house!
    I take my hat off to you both for going to the gym! That is a great step. It will be an effort to start with, but you will come to like it and also it helps if you are in a group of people. You will encourage each other. Well done you both.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. Lots to smile about here Annie. It is great to see the girls cooking meals together like that. What a lovely way to introduce them to the kitchen.
    You won't be able to say 'little' Theo for much longer. He is growing up so fast. My boys had so much fun with K'nex too.
    I really admire you going to the gym. I hope you soon feel the benefit to make it all worthwhile, and great that hubby is joining you too.
    Kate x
    Your comment though just fine last week?!

  4. Hi Annie, just back from the gym and read that you're going too. I have to say I never feel like going but always feel good when I get home knowing I've been and it has made a difference to my fitness. I also think having a gym buddy gives you more encouragement too. Great to see the children busy and learning such important life skills. Have a great weekend. hugs, Angela xXx

  5. Hi Annie, going to the gym - you're making me feel guilty. Then again, I'm also feeling your pain! Seriously, good on you both - it will be fun, eventually, when those muscles get used to the unaccustomed exercise. Love all the photos of your beautiful grandchildren - they've clearly had a busy and fun week. And cookies in a cup sounds good to me. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Ellie xx

  6. They certainly have had fun this week - lovely photos. xx Jo

  7. I’ve just noticed mt comments aren’t appearing Annie. All lovely photos and well done on going to the gym. Catriona


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