Friday 30 August 2019

This week's smiles....week 336

Here we are at my weekly catch up of smiles from the last week....and I'm thankful that there have been many so I will make a start....

Sunday saw us going on our [almost] regular walk with Milly to Attingham Park.  We went early before  the sun had burnt the cloud off, while it was cool enough to be comfortable to enjoy our walk.

This photo is from my favourite seat by the side of the water...its so lovely here.  We watch the birds and dragonflies and just generally enjoy the day from here.

Shell, Brent and twins are enjoying a few days at Disneyland Paris before the children go back to school so we've been sent many photos of them enjoying their holidays.

Tuesday was the first day for week's of us looking after Theo while his mummy went into school to set her class up ready for the start of the new term.

As you can see we joined Amy and her three for a play and picnic at their local play was so lovely to see the children all playing together.

Our raised veg garden has taken on a new look....the cabbage white butterflies made use of our salad leaves and radishes to lay their eggs on and the caterpillars ate the best part of them so before sowing more seeds we have invested in a cage and net to keep them off.

As you can see the beetroot and carrots are growing well and we will soon be harvesting some.

After several quiet weeks of sewing while many of my customers have been holidaying I was thrilled to get a new order for three Memory bears this week and.....

.....even persuaded my new apprentice to do a bit of stuffing for me during a coffee break.

I doubt I will be giving him a full time job though cos when he'd had enough I had to add lots more stuffing because it looked rather thin....I think he was on an economy drive with the stuffing :-)

And finally but by no means least I thought I'd share a collage of some of the gorgeous colour that we still have in our back garden....we have really enjoyed an ever changing garden this summer and hope you've enjoyed sharing it with us.

Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and, if you can then link to your own smiles below.
Annie x


  1. I had to laugh at the photos of the children at the park. It looks like they were having more fun than the adults. The twins and their parents must have really loved Disneyland. I DID in California and Orlando, Florida.

    Good idea with the screen. I would never have thought of that. And of course, your flowers put my flower bed to shame.

    Have a super weekend and a great week, too. I'm sure your helper will get better over time (grin).

  2. Theo looks so grown up sitting on the bench with his cousins and looks like good fun all round. My late MIL used to love having Leanne on the day I went into school to set up my class-they would go to a “tea shop” for lunch! Schools have been back here since mid August and out local school had their first disco last night! Stormy forecast this weekend so no run out in the moho.

  3. Lovely pictures of the grandchildren enjoying their summer!
    I'm sorry your veggies got eaten first by other creatures. It's a good idea to cover it with netting and I must say it looks very neat.
    Your new apprentice really had me chuckling!
    And it's so good you have some more orders for memory bears. It makes a change from shortening school uniforms.
    I have heard that you are having another spell of good weather, so I hope you will be able to take advantage of it and go out in the camper for a day or an afternoon.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Your garden is lovely Annie. All the begonias make such a patch of colour. The vegetable net is a good idea. I love all the butterflies, even the cabbage white, but I do object when they feast on my home grown harvest. I remember one year as a child there was a plague of them, and dad pulled up cabbages each day with caterpillars hanging from them like bunches of grapes. He threw them into the chicken run so the chickens had a feast, even if we didn't!.
    That is a lovely play park for the children to use. It is good to see them enjoying themselves in the fresh air.
    I expect the children are enjoying Disney Land. We managed Orlando once when the boys were small, and they still remember it fondly.
    Thank you for your message last week. Kate x

  5. Another fab post Annie - good to see all the children enjoying the last few days of school hols. xx Jo

  6. Lovely photographs, your flowers are so pretty. We are away for several months of the year and no one wants to water while we are away 🙄 This year the weeds have gone mad😱. Nice to see the children having fun, not many days of holiday left for them.

  7. Hi Annie. Sorry I'm late today but we've been on the road for most of it. I scheduled the post as I knew it would be late before I could get back to a computer. Just took mum and dad back home and now we're in Chatsworth ready for the show tomorrow so it's been a busy week. You flowers are looking well and the netting looks like a good idea. We need to make a cage for the pears before next year. This was the first time it looked like having some good fruit on it and the squirrels have eaten the lot.....little stinkers! I can't believe it's time for the children to go back to school it seems to have gone really fast this year. Have a great weekend and love to Milly xXx

  8. Hi Annie this is really a reallllly late WOYWW visit, but see snails too, love your bears as always and had a smile at your helper ..cute grandies too at Disney Paris... and flowers are stunning you’ve green fingers.
    Happy very belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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