Friday 26 April 2019

This week's smiles....week 318

Oh how these weeks whizz by but each one comes with plenty to make me smile and for that I'm very thankful.  I have had a couple of quiet weeks with few customers calling by on me for sewing so on Tuesday morning I set up the May special offer on my Facebook page a few days early so that mum's could check out the old school uniforms during the Easter holidays special offer is for 10% off any School Memory bears ordered up til the end of May to help reduce the mad last minute rush at the end of the school year.  Since then I've been inundated with work...
  • A Bridesmaid's dress needing taking in and shortening
  • A posh dress needed for another Wedding needed taking in.
  • A lace tablecloth needed making
  • and 9 Memory bears! but only 6 of those are school bears!
It never fails to make me smile that I can go for weeks with nothing at all and then withing a couple of days I can be so busy....and I love it.

My photos that have made me smile....

The twins had a day at the seaside at the weekend and I just love this photo of them heading towards the sea together.

Steve enjoyed another football training day this week and didn't even mind that he got absolutely soaked during the day.....he was on his way home here for a warm bath!

Just look at Lulu's face!  She was at a birthday party over the weekend and was brave enough to hold a tarantula.....I'm so proud of her because I have a real fear of any spiders so wouldn't have gone anywhere near.

Wednesday evening we had a visit from Amy and the children and this is how they rolled up on the drive!  They are sat in the back of their new camper van with a video on the telly and all wearing earphones....I think they rather like their new wheels don't you?

Just a few of the latest treasures in our garden for you including the pic of the strawberries now in bloom....such a lot of promise of things to come eh?

These two photos made me chuckle.  They should be labelled 'what a difference a day makes'.  We had a really heavy rainstorm on Wednesday and it not only knocked all the blooms down on the bottom picture but if you look closely you will see that in the top picture it knocked all the blooms off the tulips in the top picture leaving us just stalks!!''

This photo makes me smile because we have a pansy flower that has self seeded in a crack in the side of our garden path and as you can see it's fighting with a dandelion plant....I think that weeding out the dandelion will probably disturb the pansy so I've left them to fight it out....who do you think will win?

Isn't nature wonderful?

That's all from me for today.  Please leave me a little comment and, if you can, then link up to your own smiles with Mr Linky below.  I hope your week is filled with smiles like mine.
Annie x


  1. The twins look like they are in a very warm place. Wish it were that warm here.

    Lulu is braver than I, too. And I can't believe all the ammenities in those camper vans. Incredible.

    Lovely photos of flowers, but too bad the rain and winds destroyed the tulips. As for the pansy and the dandelion, I think the pansy would win if you remove the head of the dandelion before it can go to seed.

    Hope your Friday is wonderful and you smile all weekend, too!

  2. That storm sent a brown river flowing down our street - Ben was amazed at it's force! Lovely photos. xx Jo

  3. Nice holiday photos of the children.
    It is good that you still have plenty of work coming in. Are you going to slow down a bit when hubby retires?
    Well done Lulu for holding the tarantula. I am no fan of spiders either, but once a year I invited the 'exotic animal man", (he had a shop in Shrewsbury) to come to my nursery with some of his 'friends' and I made myself hold the tarantula so the little ones couldn't see I was afraid, and actually it was easier than I expected. I think it was because it moved so slowly. It's the ones that run that freak me out!
    The garden did suffer a bit in the rain, but it will recover and there is always something new coming into flower.
    My money's on the dandelion long term, but the pansy will do well for this year. Kate xx

  4. Back from the gym now so thought I'd have a look what you're up to before going for my shower. Busy as ever, I should think there must hardly anyone near you that doesn't have a memory bear Lol! I had to smile when I saw Lulu and the spider as one of my pupils brought his pet spider in to see me when I was still teaching. It was only afterwards that he told me it was a bird eating spider and that if it bit you the area would go numb for some time but it would be okay as it had been fed before coming to school.....lovely! That looks like a good way to keep the children busy on long journeys. Better go. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  5. Our strawberry plants are flowering now too. It always feels far too early to me but i suppose by the time they are ripe its not.

    What a shame about then weather ruining your plants though.

    Some lovely pics of the children, Stevie is a tough one and as for handling a tarantula, NO WAY

    Have a top week Annie

    Gill x

  6. Some lovely smiles Annie, love your aqualegia or granny’s bonnets, always loved them they don’t grow here, but my sweet peas are popping up, 32 so far, had 59 seeds... do love sweet peas and we’ve had some really marvellous rain.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz. X


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