Wednesday 5 December 2018


Hello. Happy Wednesday to you all.  The big day is fast approaching and, as yet,  I've still not had time to finish making my Christmas cards or painting the peg dolls to give the Grandchildren for their Christmas trees yet.  My sewing days have been filled to the brim and, as frustrating as that is, it has to come first but it's not been all work no play....

Phoebe [my eldest Granddaughter] has to briefly play the part of Mary in her school play but she has to be able to get her outfit on and off quickly so it couldn't be a full outfit so Nanny put her thinking cap on and Monday night Phoebe came for an hour while her brother was at his kick boxing club and she helped me design and make her outfit.  She was that thrilled to be able to help me and was really pleased with the results....she can get it on and off in a couple of minutes so it certainly does the job.

At one point, while we were creating together, she looked up at me and said 'your'e so clever with your sewing Nanny'....she just melted my heart.  She really is growing up into a lovely young lady.

Here's the latest two bears I've made and today I have 4 more coming this morning and another two this afternoon plus I have a toy rabbit coming to be fitted for a pair of trousers and a shirt that I've been asked to make.....I get all sorts of challenges  :-)

Last week Angela asked if I ever take photos of my bears to keep so I thought I'd show you that I have taken photos of every bear I've ever made, put them together in collages, printed them off and laminated them all....ALL 175 OF THEM!!

I really love making my bears and the responses I get when they are collected make my job all so worth while.

That's all from me for today.  Please leave me a little message and I will do my best to pay you a return visit when I can.
Annie x


  1. wow, that is a lot of bears! 175 precious memories captured... Love Phoebe's Mary costume. it made me smile, the thought of a quick-changing Mary!! Have a great week - hope you get a bit of time to do YOUR makes this week! Helen #3

  2. Phoebe is right about your sewing Nanny Annie, you are brilliant and your bears are the best.
    Have a good week, give Millie a kiss from me.
    Lynn 13 xx

  3. Great post and yes you are a very clever Nanny Annie! xx Jo

  4. Another fabulous Nan putting smiles on faces far and wide. Amazing bears, I want to hug them all Annie.
    Take good care & Happy WOYWW.
    Tracey #8

  5. Morning Annie. Well, I have to say you take the biscuit! Not everyone can say they have a rabbit coming for a trouser fitting!!! Do hope it goes well! Your photos are incredible - 175 bears - and counting! I too photograph all I make - and consequently fill up my computer hard disk! Oh well...
    A speedy change Mary? Does this mean there are more parts than children in the nativity play??
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  6. Hi Annie, I absolutely love Phoebe's Mary outfit, and she's right, you are very clever with your sewing. The latest bears are as adorable as ever and I'm so glad you have kept a photo record of all you have made. Now, about not having time to read books about sewing, Annie. Just think of them as research, so necessary for your business. You wouldn't expect a doctor not to find time to read The Lancet, now would you? :) Looking forward to seeing the rabbit complete with trousers and shirt. Hugs, Ellie x #25

  7. I love Phoebe's outfit...goodness, that takes me back to when I organised the costumes for the school Nativity plays!! And she's right, you are a clever Nanny! Wow, 175 bears is amazing and well done for remembering to take photos!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  8. Hi Annie, how lovely you have photo's of all the bears.Good job with the costume,and how fab she helped you make it. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  9. Well done on 175 Memory Bears - how many of the tiny friendship bears? Bet they mounted up too.
    Phoebe makes a lovely Mary - hope it goes well for her.
    Also hope your back is much better - never mind about getting things done - keep well.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  10. Hello Annie, thank you for popping by. It's good to be back. Yes I do ( and DH ) need to get well. Doing our best! Wow all those bears!! I still want at least one. So does a friend. However she always seems too busy to get organised. I might just have to sort mine!
    Your granddaughter is lovely. They do melt your heart. I went into my granddaughter's class to help with sewing recently. She told the children that I did all sorts of Craft and am very good! :-) Her name is Phoebe :-) X Anne X

  11. You certainly are clever Annie! Wow, 175 memory bears: that's a whole lot of love and happiness that you've helped spread over the years. Good luck getting everything done and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  12. Love Phoebe's Mary costume good to have clever grannies. My mum used to love making for my two - I never had the time when they were little but now I have the time ...... Have a good week and don't work too hard. ANi


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