Friday 30 November 2018

This week's smiles.....week 300

Oh wow....I've just realised I've now written 300 of these weekly happy posts....that's a lot to smile about isn't it?  Some weeks it's easy to find a smile but sometimes I have to focus a little harder to find them and to be honest this week is one of those weeks.  Life likes to throw us all challenges at times doesn't it?  Enough of that, I have found something to make you smile....I hope.

I had little Theo for an early morning play date on Tuesday and as early morning is my worst time with this b****** sciatica [I'm stiff and uncomfy but thankfully not needing pain tablets now so that's also something to make me smile isn't it?] my darling hubby took the day off to help with childcare.  This photo really makes me smile because they were having such a fun time and were deep in conversation about the garden they were building.....happy memories.

Now you know I've spent a lot of time with little ones and I've always enjoyed reading books especially those with rhymes in so when I saw these pics I just had to....

8 Little teddies all waiting in a line,

I sat and made another one and.....

 ...then there was nine.

It's the most bears I've had here at one time so I just had to take pics.  Don't they all look fab together?  They certainly make me smile. 

That's all from me for this week my friends.  Please leave me a little message and if you can then link up to your own smiles below.
Annie x


  1. I'm not sure which one of the "boys" was having more fun, Theo, or your husband. They look SO happy together.

    Those bears are adorable. You seem to sell them as soon as they are made. What a joy when someone opens the gift you have created especially for them.

    My Friday Smiles posts will be on hiatus for the month of December, but I will be back on 4 January, 2019. I'm sure I'll stop by to visit, too. Just can't really figure a way to participate in December, dear.

  2. Sorry to hear you are still struggling. That sciatica is a real b...! How sweet of your hubby to take over the 'early shift'.
    And all those bears are a sight for sore eyes. Apart from the fact that your business is obviously going well and you have been so productive in spite of everything. Well done!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Hope your sciatica gets better soon,

  3. I think those little bears bring a lot of smiles! I love that photo of T and Grandad. Lovely.xx

  4. I'm with you re. life stuff but guess we just have to try and get on with it. Great to see little Theo again and the bears.... I wonder? have you photographed any of them before letting them go. Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  5. Wow. 300 weeks of smiles. Well done for keeping us all so positive.
    I love the line up of bears and the little rhyme too.
    your 'boys' are very engrossed with their lego. It is such an excellent toy isn't it? Happy memories indeed!
    I am afraid my post is a bit long again this week, and next week will probably be the same, but after that I should be back to normal. (which is still a bit long with me!).
    Glad the sciatica is still improving, albeit slowly. Kate x

  6. Hello Annie. I've not linked but just wanted to say hello as your post has made me smile and I needed something to help me do that. DH and I poorly - he is worse but both of us miserable. Hopefully things will start to improve next week. x

  7. Lovely photo of Grandad and grandson. They are very engrossed in what they are doing! It’s lovely that you see all your grandchildren regularly-so blessed. X

  8. Great article..I am looking so forward to your blogcomment and
    I love your page on your post.. That is so pretty..


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