Wednesday 11 July 2018


What a week!  I think the word is out there that I'm here and I sew to my heart's content cos my little sewing business has never been so busy....and I'm loving it.

My sewing machine and I have both had a good work out and I've been drinking a lot of water to get me through the day....I bought two of these new drink bottles so I don't knock them over in my sewing room and I keep the one filled in the fridge ready.

I have a big floor fan running while I'm working in the heat and if you look at my rail you will see just how much I did on Monday...
  • shortened 3 dresses
  • took in 2 dresses
  • tapered the legs on 4 pair of trousers
  • shortened 5 pair of trousers and 
  • took in another pair of trousers on the waist
Quite a work out eh?

I shortened a black lacy evening dress at the end of my day on Friday and I think this pic says it all!! 
Can you tell just how tired I was?
Can you see the deliberate mistake?
Yes, I had changed the top thread but failed to change the bobbin and didn't notice my mistake until I had very nearly gone all round the hem!!
Just as well I love unpicking and of course it wasn't hard to see the thread needing undoing!!

 These were the two more bears I made last week.....yes that meant I had 7 bears to make last week!
The one on the left is for a teacher's leaving gift cos the little country school is closing and the one on the right was to remember a young man that decided to end his own life far too soon.
I have many school bears ordered for when the term finishes and at least 3 more to arrive this week.
I'm so thrilled that they are proving to be very popular....I really love making each one cos they are all so different.

That's all from me for today.  If you leave me a little message I will do my best to pop over to catch up with you later.  Hope you all have a great week.
Annie x


  1. You've been a busy gal!! It's not surprising that things go a little awry occasionally, at least that pale thread made it obvious where to unpick. Hope you and the folks are keeping well!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  2. I've been busy sharing your FB posts Annie so I don't know if you'll get any custom or not from that. Love the bears! Keep cool and hope you keep up with allthat work. Have a good week. Sarah #14

  3. Fab bears - especially the tartan one!. Hope that unpicking went well - what a b*****! xJo

  4. Some great photos Annie. We have a fan like that for our garage. Here in the house we use ceiling fans and I can say this year I've run them a lot. We have air conditioning, but the costs are high and the fans help cut the time it runs. I had a blouse out of that fabric once. I loved it. So dressy. And your little bears are delightful. I went back and saw such fun photos of your grand kids. Getting so big. You have lovely flowers this season. Ours are limited because of all the water yet standing. Mosquito's are in abundance Enjoy a great week

  5. Morning Annie. Phew! I think I need a sit down after all that! But, oh, how frustrating - haven't we all done it? Left the wrong thread in the bobbin??!! Glad you liked my certifiable enterprise this week!!!!!
    Take care. god bless.
    Margaret #7

  6. Hi Annie, not surprised you made a mistake, this weather is enough to make anybody forget to change the bottom thread Lol! You take it easy my friend. Have a great week and a happy woyww, Angela x13x PS pleased you liked my pebbles too xXx

  7. Good grief you have been so busy. Super sewing lady :) i can't get over how cute those bears are and how special they are to each customer.
    Ellie #22

  8. Hi Annie, your sewing mishap made me smile. It's so easy to do something daft when you are tired, isn't it? Doug bought me a couple of those type of bottles when I was in hospital, as I had a nasty habit of spilling the drink on me while in bed! Lol, Felt like a toddler. :) Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  9. What a good idea to have two bottles - one in the fridge cooling ready for when you need it. That lace must have been a nightmare to work with and the bears are cute as ever. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#18)

  10. Hi Annie, what a busy week and in this heat. Just for a moment I thought you were going to say you'd given your hard-working machine a drink. 😂 I think we can all make mjstakmi like that - so easy done. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie X #29

  11. my word, that's a lot of work you've got done, no wonder you forgot to change the thread... Hope you have a rest tonight! Helen #1

  12. It certainly looks like you've got this hot weather sorted - I'm amazed at what you've achieved in this heat wave. The little bears are absolutely adorable, I especially love the tartan fabric - gorgeous.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #11

  13. Oh how sad that little tartan bear is - I hope the recipient feels differently than I did reading the story. Guess they must or they wouldn't have had it made.
    Nice to see you have been so busy but oh, how on earth do you do it in a day?
    Take care, don't work too hard.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Two more gorgeous bears ... keep them coming. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW 17 x

  15. I apologize for visiting so late. I’m having a terrible time with my internet. I’ve even called my provider twice this morning, who were no help whatsoever.

    I HATE rework, but it seems like that's all I've been doing, too. At least yours was a straight stitch (grin). Happy WOYWW from # 4.

  16. Oh my gawd, a rail full of alterations..I hate doing them. Thank the Lord for people like you who will at least pretend to be happy about them as they roll in. There’s a lovely lady in our town who has a tiny shop and she does alterations and repairs. I’ve only been in there once, and in that time she turned away five sets of curtains that needed to be taken up. Reminded me of how much you like doing them!
    Your bears are going great guns, I totally understand why people would want you to make them, talk about love in every stitch. And then there are the wrong colour of thread word how annoying! But it forced you to take some slow down time which is no bad thing!

  17. Busy lady. I am recently a FB follower of yours and love seeing these bears. Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #34

  18. Busy as a Bee I see again this week Annie, good you thought ahead regarding the water, I often think this but usually forget to put a spare in the fridge hee hee!! More Bearssssssssssssss... Oh I do love them, the Tartan one looks so warm and cuddly. It can have it's advantages having a different coloured bobbin thread but I can see not so with the prom dress. It's an easy mistake which I'm more than sure you corrected pronto.
    Wishing you a super week & Thanks for sharing WOYWW.
    Creative wishes Tracey xx

  19. Hello Annie- I am so late with my visit. I went to see my lovely Mum last Wed, fully intending to comment on WOYWW but then lost track of everything. You have certainly been kept busy. The bears are lovely - sad story re the one though! Anne x #28

  20. Hello Annie- I am so late with my visit. I went to see my lovely Mum last Wed, fully intending to comment on WOYWW but then lost track of everything. You have certainly been kept busy. The bears are lovely - sad story re the one though! Anne x #28


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