Wednesday 3 January 2018


Here we are at the first Wednesday desk share of 2018 so I would like to wish you all a really Happy New Year and let's hope we can all enjoy our sharing for another's such a wonderful way of making friends [many of which I've now met in real life].

So onward quickly to see what's on my desks today....

For those asking if we have finished our jigsaw here it is all done and it's now back in it's box so we can now eat at the table again....but I will say that we have put a cloth over the top while it was in the doing so we could eat there too.

We have been doing a bit of ice cream making over the holiday too.  I bought my hubby a machine for Christmas because he loves ice cream.  This was a vanilla ice cream with broken oreo biscuits churned into it and was really yummy.....if you want the recipe then please just shout.

My little granddaughters had 18" dolls for Christmas so I have bought a couple of patterns to make a few clothes for them....this one arrived quickly so....

 ....I've spent a little of my free time cutting out the 31 paper pattern pieces ready to get started making.

That's all from me for this week.  I shall be busy making Memory bears this week as I have a special offer over on my Facebook and already have several wanting to take up the offer to benefit.  Have a great week my friends.
Annie x


  1. love to see a finished jigsaw! well done for not pulling it all apart when you took the tablecloth off again! Enjoy your dolls clothes making. Helen #3

  2. Keeping busy as usual Annie, what a lot of pattern pieces you seem to have there - good luck with the making and please remember to show us. Hope the Memory Bears don't take too long so you can make dolly clothes.
    Happy New Year, to the three of you. Neet 2 xxx

  3. Gosh you bring back memories - doll patterns. Although my daughter wasn't really girly she loved her dolls, especially Tiny Tears. Good to see the jigsaw finished when do you start the next one? Anickoana #7 & 14 apparently 7 doesn't work.

  4. Happy WOYWW. I love jigsaws, but never do any now. I got an app on my phone yesterday with lots of lovely designs, so quite happy sliding pieces about when I have a spare few minutes at the end of the day. Look forward to seeing some of the doll clothes finished. I used to collect clothes for my dolls - and would go to the big Toy Fairs at the NEC where there were a few stands selling clothes etc for dolls of all sizes. A very easy way to spend money! Ali x #9

  5. Those 31 pieces should keep you out of mischief! Well done on completing the puzzle and making ice-cream. Looks relish.
    sandra de @10

  6. Happy New Year Annie. What a gloriously fun jigsaw!!! I admit to stopping at 1000 pieces - don't have room for anything bigger on my board. Glad you still managed to eat, though, while it was in progress. Have fun with the ice cream and the doll clothes!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  7. Hi Annie, you never stop, do you? lol. You always have so much going on. That ice cream sounds fab, don't tempt me! Vanilla has always been my favourite.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  8. Happy new year!!
    What sort of ice cream maker did you buy hubby? we adore ice cream here and have a small maker thingy that you pop in the freezer and then quickly whisk all the stuff up - its okay but I have to leave room in the freezer to store it.
    Love Soojay 23

  9. Happy new Year, lovely gal!! Well done on finishing the jigsaw, the one I've got out is a really hard one so it's going to take me some time!! And the dolls will be the best dressed with you to make clothes for them - but 31 pattern pieces?? You really do have more patience than me :-D. And I hope Doddy is enjoying his ice cream, I love it too but would be even bigger if I had a machine to make it!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxxx

  10. That ice cream looks yummy, Annie. An ice cream maker has got to be the perfect present for your hubby. Did you note the time it took you to make the jigsaw up? I love those particular jigsaws - the picture are so detailed! The 18" dolls remind me of the year my sister and I were given huge dolls. My mother was an ace at making dolls clothes too. I'm sure the girls are going to be delighted with their doll's new wardrobes. Have a fabulous week my friend. Hugs, Ellie x #30

  11. Hello Annie and thanks for popping by. Haven't done a jigsaw in many a year Should remedy that I think. Looking forward to seeing the dolls clothes. Not surprised you've already got interest for your bears. Take care Anne x #17

  12. Mmm that ice cream does look yummy. Never made any myself - bet it's fun with a machine.xx

  13. Hi Annie. Goodness me some of you WOYWW ladies are non stop! What a lot you have on the go at the moment. I'm sure the dolls clothes will be gorgeous. You make such lovely things. Happy New year. Have a lovely week Heather #11

  14. Love a good puzzle! Oooh nice, doll clothes sounds like good fun.
    Have a good week.
    Ellie #24

  15. leased to see the jigsaw completed. I love ice cream too much Lol! We did have one of the machines and they do make great ice cream. It's fun to be able to make whatever flavour you fancy. My hubby likes Nougat Ice cream and a French Chef that we know gave him the recipe for it only he makes for about fifty people at a time so you can imagine the fun hubby had with that Lol! I would like to wish you a great woyww and a very Happy and creative New Year, Angela x14x

  16. Hi Annie, I should be in bed as it’s late Downunder, but popping ofer quickly to say all the blessings on you and your dear ones for 2018... and the icecream looks so yummy! The jigsaw puzzle looks like fun too.
    My sister has away if storing them while in making. She does 2000+ ones. You could prob find design online. It’s a large piece of green felt and you roll up the jigsaw on it, around a hollow tube with the felt and it has straps to hold in place till your roll it out again to work on table.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #37

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. My daughter (32 years old) still has the clothes he great-grandmother made fer her dolls when she was little! So you are probably making clothes that will become heirlooms! Fun! Lucky grandchildren! Our Christmas jigsaw is also finished, and waiting to be put back in the box. I'm not sure I can do it! Have a wonderful 2018! Lindart #28

  18. I remember well those dolls! Enjoy those tiny clothes, and their faces .... oh! yes!
    have a good week and stay out of the wind!
    Christine #29

  19. Well done, that big old jigsaw looks great...perversely, I love breaking them up after completion! Bet you get heaps and heaps of good use out of that dolly pattern, it sure does bring back memories for me! happy lovely shiny new year to you both , Wales was such fun, I hope we get to repeat it!


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