Friday 5 January 2018

This week's smiles....week 253

Well......there is was, gone.  No sooner than Christmas was coming than it's been and gone and so has the New Year celebrations so life can return to normal for another year.

So here we are on the first Friday of 2018 and I'm thankful that life is still giving me plenty to smile about.  Here you go......

Milly is sat watching us doing the Christmas jigsaw....yes she likes to sit on a stool up at the table so she doesn't miss out on the fun!

Amy's three children were late finishing school before Christmas so are later than most going back after the holidays and have been enjoying this week with their mum.

Phoebe wanted to make some cakes so she has, all by herself weighed and measured the ingredients and made a really yummy batch of buns......Amy was proud that she was able to make them and I was even prouder because her mummy had spent the time with her to teach her so she could do it.  Just look how she decorated them too.....well done Phoebe.

Lulu was given a kit to decorate your own birdhouse for Christmas and she has had a lovely time decorating and making she is proudly showing it off to me.

They were given some money for Christmas and, as a special treat, Amy took them to a local build a bear factory for them to choose and make their own special furry friend.

Well that's my smiles for this week.  Leave me a little comment so I know you've called by and, if you can, then please link up to your own smiles below.
Annie x


  1. hYou have a LOT to smile about this week, and so do Amy's adorable children. Those build a bears are amazing. I understand each has a heart built into it. I bet they will cherish them the rest of their lives. That was a wonderful gift. BTW, Phoebe cooks better than I! And congrats on finishing the puzzle, too, even if Milly didn't contribute.

    Have a super Friday and weekend, too.

  2. Hi Annie, I actually think Milly is watching over you all to make sure you don't try and cheat with the puzzle Lol! She certainly looks very interested. The bears look lovely, I've seen those before when we go to Meadow Hall near Sheffield, the little dog is my favourite. We just about tidy after Christmas but as it's my hubby's birthday on the 2nd of Jan we still have a nice collection of cards to brighten the place up as the house always feels a bit sad when you take everything down after Christmas. Have a lovely weekend and big hugs, Angela xXx

  3. You are so lucky to have such a lovely family. Love your little dog she is so cute. ANickoana

  4. Such a cheerful talented bunch! I could just eat one of those lovely buns too. xx

  5. That puzzle looks quite a challenge. I really should start a new one. It is ages since I did the last one. I love the Milly is sitting up taking it all in.
    Phoebe's cakes look delicious. Well done to her.
    I love the animals too. Very individual choices they made.
    And of course, we can't forget Lulu's bird house. They are a very talented bunch, and it great to see them all keeping busy and making such lovely things. Kate x

  6. Lovely to see all your little ones, they are gorgeous.
    Milly can come and help with the jigsaw on our table as I’m gerting nowhere with it haha
    LYNN xxx


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