Friday 24 November 2017

This week's smiles....week 247

Hello all.  I hope you've all had a lovely week filled with smiles and you will share them with us all by linking them at the bottom of the page.  Many thanks to those who join in each week....I really love to see what's making you all smile so please keep up the good work.  It's good for us to smile so consider it your therapy for the week  :-)

It's been a rather trying week here but as always I have smiles I can share....

My little twinnies have been trying on their angel outfits they will be wearing at the school end of term nativity.....cute little angels eh?

Milly has been getting to know a new toy we treated her too because her little brown dog favourite is alas perished and I'm struggling to get it to fit inside the replacement covers I make.....I'm sorry to say that even though this is meant to be a tough toy it may not be tough enough for our little Milly as I've already had to repair it twice!!

I thought this pic might raise a few chuckles....I'm making some Christmas fairies/angels for the fayre that's up and they are hanging as glues are drying waiting for their wings to be made and if you listen very quietly you can here them singing.....'I wish I could fly'.  For those that don't know the song I mean here's a link for you...
I have a feeling you will be humming this for a while now.....I have been  :-)

And finally I thought I'd share a few pics of the autumn colours in our garden at the mo plus a few of the flowers that as yet haven't been nipped by the early morning frosts.....such gorgeous colours out there aren't there? Sorry if some of the pics are a little blurred but it was a blustery day and the flowers wouldn't sit still for me.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit today.  Please leave me a little message so I know you've called in and if you can then link up to your own smiles.
Annie x


  1. Late to the desks again, so am doing the double! Love the masterboards, and nearly choked on my coffee when you cheerfully say 'the first 40'. Give the rest of us a break would you!! Those growing up twins look like very lively angels to me, how cool is that fabric!

  2. Ha ha those angel twins are perfect!! Love the little fir cones too- they won't be hanging around for long! x

  3. Twin angels! Aaww!So cute.
    I love the pine cone angels too. Soon they will have their wings and fly away.I played the song. Indeed I had never heard it. Very sweet. Then Youtube just launched into the next song which was Ernie the fastest milkman in the west. Oh dear, I nearly wet my pants. So funny! I do remember that one. (My hubby has a very strong Somerset accent and Benny Hill does his accent very well.)
    Your flowers are beautiful. (until the next frost) Thank you for sharing those colours.
    Millie, the destructress, is looking so innocently...but meanwhile...
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  4. Morning Annie, this is a flying visit as my chef grandson is cooking us lunch today so we are off out in a minute. Love all your little angels - the twins look so, well, angelic! I'm always amazed at your creativity. Those pine cone angels are adorable, even before they have wings. Milly's toy looks lovely but, going from experience with Molly, I think you may be right ... it won't last. However, she'll have fun with it before it goes the way of her last toy. I've been out in my garden too this morning as you will see in my post. Hope you have a less trying week ahead. Hugs, Ellie xx

  5. Hi Annie, bet you wondered where I had got to, well I've been out all day helping my friend choose a wedding dress and her mum and myself are pleased to report it's done! She has chosen and ordered so we can all rest again, at least for a while anyway. I knew it would be a rush today so scheduled the post and of course you found it so thanks for the visit. Milly doesn't look that impressed with the new toy but it is rather cute. The twins look cuter still and so do the angels. The garden looks nice too. Have a lovely weekend, I need a rest now Lol! Angela xXx

  6. Your angel twinnies look very innocent. Those early nativity plays are so precious.
    I saw your fir cone angels, complete with their wings on Facebook and thought how lovely they were. I hope they soon sell for you. I am sure they will.
    Milly seems quite happy with her new playmate, but you are very patient to keep repairing them for her.
    The flowers are lovely, pink like mine. At least I don't have to worry about the frost attacking mine.
    keep wrapped up warm so it doesn't attack you either. Kate xx

  7. Love your little angels - both the twins and the fir cones. The first mentioned are adorable but then, so are the second. Oh heck - they are all adorable and so is 'Milly the Destroyer'. There you are, a new name and she could go on Doggy Gladiators (or something similar).
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Oh what cuties, adorable little outfits they are sporting. Milly looks so content too. I love anything from pine cones. Never gathered them this year was such awful weather. Enjoy


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