Wednesday 12 July 2017


Here we are again, catching up with our creative friends from all around the world.  I love my Wednesday catch ups. So? What have you all been up to this week?  If you want to join in the fun then pop over to Julia our head WOYWWer at The Stamping Ground. 

I showed you the eye spy quilt I'd made last week.  I loved making it and when I shared it in my Sewing by Annie Facebook page I had a lot of interest so this week this is what I've been up to...

I cut out another 112 4" [56 for each quilt] squares and sewed them together ready to make two more quilts.

Here they are finished.  They each have 7 x 8 squares in the middle to talk about / play eye spy with but each one is backed / edged differently......and one of my quilts has already sold. 


Whilst watching the tennis I've now cut out enough squares to make three more quilts....I'm on a roll as you can see.

Any that I don't sell will be used to make money for local charities and I'm really loving making them.

I think someone else is enjoying me making the quilts too cos every time I pull out a box of fabrics she climbs in.....I think she thinks this is her new bed.

That's my show and tell for this week.  Hope you have enjoyed seeing what I've been up to.  As you can see I'm happily quilt making at the mo but who knows what next week will bring for me.
Annie x


  1. what fabulous quilting; although I am surprised you could take your eyes OFF the tennis to do it! Helen #2

  2. Aww lovely Milly she's so adorable. Kikki would sit in whatever basket was to hand including one full of ribbons I was using during a workshop. The ladies couldn't help but laugh at her antics.
    I'm loving the eye spy quilts and am thinking it would be an ideal gift for a soon to be new mum and dad
    Lynn xx 10

  3. Boy, you've been busy!
    I love your blog banner photo, btw, gorgeous flowers!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 4

  4. The quilts ar eso bright and breezy, I'm not surprised they're so popular! I hope that the squares you cut out whilst watching the tennis havn't turned out ball shaped!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  5. I just thought Millie was in her basket - so no surprise that she thinks it is a bed for her - plus it is near to you.
    What wonderful news, that you sold a quilt already - may you sell them all and make lots of money.
    Have a lovely week, you deserve happy weeks.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  6. Looks like Milly has settled into quilting beautifully. Have a great week.
    sandra de @8

  7. Hi Annie, loving the Eye Spy quilts, so not surprised you've already sold one. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  8. Love this idea ... I was inspired from last week I hope to make one for my Grandchildren to... these are so beautiful... as for little fur face looks so comfy in the new claimed bed... May#13

  9. Those little quilts are fab - and will be well used and loved. xx Jo

  10. What amazing quilts and such a great way of stimulating conversation and play with little ones. Sarah #23

  11. Those quilts looks absolutely amazing! and what a cutie, she likes to sit near you in the most comfortable space :)

    Have a great week! Xo Cheetarah WOYWW #19
    Contemplations of a Kitty

  12. Wow! You're zooming along with those blankets! They look fab! And the dog looks nice and cozy in his new "bed"! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #31

  13. Hi Annie, I love your quilts and your speed at making them is impressive. It would take me several weeks to get one done, never mind two. I had to be out for the tennis this afternoon so didn't hear the sad result of today's match until much later. Such is life! Millie looks quite at home in that box. My daughter has just got a new puppy, a companion for her Jack Russell, Max. He's super cute. I'll share the photo on Friday. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie, x #25

  14. Someone's certainly made herself comfy in there. Love all your patchwork - Hazel WOYWW 36 x

  15. Milly is so gorgeous, she obviously knows all the best places and at least she's out of the way so you can't stand on her which is Maisie's favourite thing to sit right behind me when I'm working at the desk. Loving your patchwork quilt too. Have a great woyww and a lovely crafty week, Angela x12x

  16. Great WOYWW Have a great week xx Jan (26)

  17. Love your quilt! i enjoy quilting... It brings back all those treasured memories of being with my grandmother spending time side by side quilting and chatting.

  18. Hi Annie. Love your quilt, the colours are gorgeous. I had to laugh at your little friend in the box, I thought it was only cats that did that!!
    Thanks for popping by already.
    Hugs Lisax #17

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