Friday 7 July 2017

This week's smiles....week 228

Happy Friday to you all.  It's nearly the weekend so that's def something to smile about isn't it?  Many thanks to those who joined in the fun last week.  I do love seeing what makes you all smile so please keep up the good work folks.

My smiles this week focus on our younger family members mainly.....

Here's Phoebe, Lulu and Steve enjoying some fun in the sun in a swimming pool.  They can all swim now and really love playing together in the pool.

Lexi and Sam are posing proudly wearing the stickers they were given at their school sports day.  Sam had a first and a third in his races and Lexi had a special gold award for being a best friend and looking after one of her little friends who fell over in her race.

Little Theo is really enjoying his tea as you can see.....don't you just love it when they wear almost as much as they eat?  I have some fab photos of my three with blueberry pie, beetroot, chocolate etc all round their faces when they were little.  I love this age....they learn something new every day.

And the last pic I'm sharing today is this one.  It's of my hubby's can of shaving foam that came alive on it's shelf when we weren't looking this week.  I'm not sure what had happened.  It could have been the heat I suppose but the full can had completely emptied itself while our backs were turned.

There you go that's my smiles for this week.  Please leave me a little message and if you can then please link up to your own smiles for this week.
Annie x


  1. the pics of the grandchildren are great, but your shaving foam can really did make me smile!

  2. The water babes look wonderful and there is so much joy in that pool from the three of them.
    Love the photo of the sporty twins - well done on the medals.
    And last but not least I had the biggest smile from Theo (cannot call him little now, he is so grown up) who looks to be so enjoying his food. What a fashionable young man he is.
    Hugs, Neet (back really bad today so no smiles) xx-

  3. Sorry for linking up so late. I had to go out this morning.
    But I smiled at your photos. Children in the pool having fun! Isn't it great that they can all swim now.
    Of course the medals are fab. They must be really proud. I'm glad that helping others is equally rewarded as coming first in a race.
    Little Theo is a treasure. Coincidentally I got a photo (on my phone) of our youngest grandchild in exactly the same predicament. It was a Little video actually where he was emptying a tub of his mum's yogurt with his hands and trying to eat it and lick it. So funny!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Hi Annie, I'm back from the Gym all washed and ready to go! Your lot are so lovely and little Theo is a cracker, I wonder if any of it actually goes in his mouth Lol! You should have collected the shaving foam and done some marbling with it!
    You were right about the guy in the photograph, thought you might get it. As his books are no longer in print it might be worth hanging on to yours as he is trying to buy in second hand ones when he can get them. He had quite a following amongst the girls I went to college with but he says he thinks it's just because it was unusual to see a man doing this time of thing. He's so sweet and brilliant too!
    Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  5. I'm sorry but that shaving cream can is too much! What in the world?! Too weird.

  6. It is lovely when the children can all swim, and how nice that you have had the weather for them to enjoy time in the pool.
    What a nice idea to award extra stickers for being kind. That is really promoting good attitudes so well done to Lexi, and to Sam as well of course.
    Theo is a very bonny young man now, who obviously enjoys his food.
    I did smile at the shaving foam. It is almost certainly down to the heat. Our tubes of cream often won't stop flowing if you take the tops off. The heat gets to almost everything we have.
    Have a happy week. Kate x

  7. Hi Annie, fabulous photos of the children but can someone tell them to stop growing older ... they're making me feel older :) Being able to swim is one of the most useful skills they can learn - and it's such a fun form of exercise too. Well done to Lexi for winning that special award for being kind and well done to Same too. Theo is wearing his food with pride. I bet it was straight into the bath for him afterwards. That self-emptying can of shaving foam is amazing. Lucky it didn't explode! Thanks for your earlier comment ... bookends, indeed! Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs, Ellie, xx

  8. Ha ha - love the shaving foam - must be the heat - I know just how it feels!
    Fab photos of those littlies too. xx


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