Friday 26 August 2016

This week's smiles....week 184

Hello all. What a wonderful amount of happy posts last week.  Many thanks to all who joined in but special thanks to Barb who's blog Milly and I are featuring from last week.  Barb shared a pic of Myrtle a new addition to her family ....I loved it and I wasn't alone.

The pic I'm sharing this week is this one of Milly.....

I put Barb's photo on my Ipad and you can see just what Milly thought of her new blogging friend.  She's such a little character and as you can see Milly makes me smile....a lot.  We would both like to thank you for sharing Myrtle's photo and hope she's settling into her new family life Barb.

Please leave me a little message to let me know you have called in and try to find a few smiles of your own to share with us.
Annie x


  1. Happy Friday Annie, animals are just as time consuming and fun as our grandkids. So glad Milly is keeping you entertained. Do hope you have a wonderful weekend, Hugs Robyn

  2. Aaaw! That's such a great picture of Milly and Myrtle!
    Have a good week,

  3. Hi Annie, What a lovely surprise to see Myrtle getting a special mention this week. Two little furry friends at the start of their adventures in the world. How cute your photo of Milly is gazing at your ipad.

    I probably didn't word my post very well. Myrtle is actually the new addition to the family of our dear friends Jo and Gary. We look forward to seeing her very soon. Barbxx

  4. Hi Annie, I am here. I've been going to the Gym on a Friday morning and I was a bit late so only just got round to linking. Milly looks very interested in her new friend. Puppy Schnauzers are very cute but then most puppies are. Milly looks to have grown again! My two are somewhere around, not sure where which is worrying! Have a lovely weekend, Angela x

  5. All so hi-tech in your family!!

  6. Myrtle was certainly a real cutie. I often wonder what our animals are thinking when they see another animal on the TV or computer. Millie is having a good look but sadly she can't tell us. Kate x


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