Friday 4 March 2016

This week's smiles.....week 160

Week 160????? Where does the time go?  That's a lot of weeks of smiles isn't it?

Firstly I want to thank you all for joining in last week's smiles.  I'm so thrilled that so many of you take the time out of your busy lives to join in the fun.  My featured blog from last week it one some you might have missed because she forgot to link up her post but I know the intention was there because she said so  :-)  Our Wednesday 'leader' Julia shared a pic of a lorry load of stripeless I'm pleased to say she did include a pic cos if she hadn't I would have been asking her what she'd been drinking.  :-)  I mean, stripeless zebras????? hehehe  It sure did make me chuckle so if you missed her post then feel free to click on the link to check it out....thanks for sharing Julia.

Next as many of you will know it hasn't been the best of weeks here for us but I must thank you all for your lovely messages and the love that you sent us at the loss of our furry baby....I think I'm suffering empty nest syndrome but I'm sure things will get easier with time.

I do have something to share with you that really made me smile this week.  Our daughter-in-law Gina is an infant teacher and for World Book Day their school had to dress up as a favourite book character....of course teachers also have to make an effort and Gina sent me this pic to let me see the outfit she had made....

It made me smile for so many reasons.  I'm so proud of all my family and in-laws and really love the fact that they are all willing to not only have a go but succeed in all they try and always like to share their results with me.

Doesn't she make a perfect Little Miss Chatterbox?

I love the outfit and the fact she made it herself made it all the more special.....I bet the kids will really love it too.

That's my smile for the week.....what's yours?  Please leave me a little message to let me know you've called by and link your pics up below.
Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I started to leave you a comment, was part way through, and the cursor quit moving. I rebooted, still had a problem, then realized the batteries in my keyboard were dead. DUH! All that work for nothing.

I was so sorry to read about Rocky. I understand your loss, because I had a cat named Dog I had since he was 5 weeks old until the day he died, nearly 20 years later. He was the first cat I ever owned. I felt the loss so deeply, I didn't get Bleubeard until nearly two years later. It took me that long to get over the loss. I hope you get over your loss(es) sooner than that.

I have no idea who Little Miss Chatterbox is, but your DIL is adorable and the outfit is, too.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to smile.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Forgot to mention I also saw Julia's unadorned zebras. I thought they were funny, too. I told her they reminded me of the time Annette (Voodoo Vixen) thought a moose was a bear. That's been a running joke between VV and me ever since then.

Virginia said...

Fabulous photos, I caught the stripeless zebra posts and it made me smile too!

Lisca said...

Yes, I did see Julia's stripeless zebras. What a hoot!
I love Gina's little outfit. I don't know miss Chatterbox either, but the apron looks fun. I must say that sewing must run in the family.

Have a good week, for as much as possible while you are mourning the loss of a friend and family member. (Because I'm sure that's what Rocky was).

Barb said...

Morning Annie
I did see the stripeless zebras. What fun to see lorry load of them driving down the motorway.

You daughter looks lovely in her Miss Chatterbox outfit. I sure the children will love it.

I was so sorry to hear your sad news on Wednesday. Hug, Barbxx

Laura said...

What a fun outfit :D

Twiglet said...

Brilliant! Well done Little Miss Chatterbox - I bet the children loved it too. x

JoZart Designs said...

I thought you had posted a pic of yet anther famous personality then I read that it was your DIL....... I thought at first that it was Vicky Gill who designed the dresses for Strictly Come Dancing!!! She is talented too .. love the Miss Chatterbox outfit!
Keep your chin up, you feel as you did because Rocky was well loved and always will be and it's good you have still managed a smile.
Jo x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, thanks for the visit. I'm in charge today though Angela is around somewhere. Please you didn't mind me doing the posting today. I absolutely love the costume. Teachers are very special people but quite mad too and I should know I live with two of them (or at least they were, now they spend more time at home and I can't go on walkabout as much Lol!) Well I'm off now, see you later and much love, BP Mini Me xXx Oh and love from her too!

Lynn Holland said...

The stripeless zebras were a hoot and made me chuckle. I love being in our van, we are like Peter Kay's car share and give him a few scripts to work with. The conversation is hilarious as I am normally the driver in our car and its very rare I am the passenger. You can see so much when you are high up in the van.
Send my love to you both at this difficult time.
Lynn xxx

Sue Jones said...

we took part in World book day too :) what a great outfit. ((hugs)) Soojay xx

mamapez5 said...

A lovely "Little Miss". People have got really inventive for this special day. I don't think we had it when my boys were small, but it is good to encourage the little ones to read.
I was so sorry to read about Rocky this week. I know how much you must miss him.
Thinking of you. Hugs. Kate x