It's been one of those weeks here for us....I will get my sad post out of the way first before sharing my desk if you don't mind.
On Saturday morning our little old dog Rocky was struggling to pee as if he had a wee infection so we took him to the vets with a carefully retrieved sample for the vet to test. The sample showed no infection was present but on examination there was something amiss with his tummy. She took a blood sample and the results weren't good...there were several excessively high levels, one of with indicated some sort of probable growth pressing on his bladder. We booked him in for an xray on Monday morning but he was worse on Sunday and when we returned for the appointment on Monday it was decided that at nearly 13 he was too old to have surgery and we had to have him put to sleep. We invest so much love with our pets and since we lost his sister he has followed me around everywhere I go so there is a huge space left now. He was such a little he is lying on his new bed.....lets hope he is now pain free and running free with his sister over that rainbow bridge.

Sorry to start off on a sad note but I do now have a little sewing job I did yesterday that I hope will make you smile.
When I arrived at silly o'clock for my twin duty yesterday morning Sam greeted me with..
' Nanny, do you remember the bug you made me when I was a baby? It was like Lexi's taggy worm but was blue and spotty. Well, I've lost it Nanny so can you please make me another one?'
I smiled because Lexi's wormy has always been a firm favourite and even had to be replaced when she mislaid it once [but of course no.2 was never quite the same and thankfully no.1 was found again]. Sam has never really played with his and none of us could really remember it. Over breakfast Sam described it in great detail so I had to play detective to find a pic of the original....thank goodness for blogging eh?
I spent ages searching through old posts around the time I thought I'd made them and eventually found a pic....and guess what?
It was exactly how Sam described it :-)
I then had to make a go at finding matching fabric to make another and luckily I found just enough to make this....
Meet Bertie bug number two.....he's rather smaller than the original as that was all the material I had left but I'm hoping when I tell him that he is a new baby bug that will do the job. :-)
Thanks for calling by. I hope I've left you smiling and you will leave me a little message so I know you've called by. I will do my best to pop over to yours as soon as I am able.
Annie x