Wednesday 13 January 2016


Hello folks.  Welcome to all the Wednesday desk visitors.  I'm back in the driving seat today and will be doing my desk visiting inbetween school runs with the munchkins so please be patient with me.

On my desk this morning is....

  • my new ipad
  • a top I cut out and did the pin tucks on for me ages ago that is still waiting for me to complete [it may be waiting a while yet]
  • a little pinafore I gave new life to for my little Granddaughter Phoebe......see below for more details :-)

This is a card I made for Shell's birthday last week 
[ she was born 32 years ago .....where have those years gone?].

I've made a new ironing board cover from some sheeting.

 I have typed up instructions for a workshop that a friend and I will be making today between my school runs.....I may show you the results next week if you're interested.

I really hope Julia doesn't mind me adding this.........

For those interested in what I did to Phoebe's pinafore you can pop over to my new Facebook page that my daughter Amy set up for Sewing by AnnieI advertised my business when we moved here for twelve months in the local church magazine and managed to get a few new customers but alas the last copy that was delivered to my door just before Christmas was the last one they are printing so I am needing to get the word out there that our building work is now completed and that I am all set up and ready to need a boost to the business.  I would really appreciate it if as many as possible could like my page and share it with your friends and as a thank you I am offering £1 per person for a sewing job before the end of the month.  Please note that as long as I get clear instructions I am happy for sewing jobs to be posted to me so don't feel you are too far away to benefit......Thank you in advance to any willing to share my page.

Annie x


  1. love the poppy card! Good luck with growing your business. Helen #1

  2. Great to see you back on form and as busy as ever Annie
    I need to get my act together for my workshop on Saturday but it will have to wait today as I'm off to the Lowry to see Calender Girls - The Musical and my friend is treating me to lunch first
    Lynn // 6 Xx

  3. Your sewing room is looking great and it's good to see projects on the go! That little pinafore dress you made for Phoebe was gorgeous! I'm glad you're feeling better...I'm getting there too. Slowly :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xxx

  4. Such a lovely work space and good luck with getting more business. Love the birthday card.

    Linda #21

  5. always lovely to see all the activity on your work desk.... hope business booms with your lovely new space.
    sandra de @15

  6. I think I need to make a machine cover so let me know how you get on with your worksheet. Love the business FB page! x Jo

  7. What a sweet little pinafore dress. Your workroom is looking so lovely and I wish you lots of luck with getting more business.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #23

  8. Hi Annie, lovely little pinafore dress, it's gorgeous. Do you not have any local freebie newspapers that get delivered to every house by you? Might be a way of spreading the word. Or maybe a card on nursery/ first school noticeboards? or somewhere similar? Love the FB page, thats a great idea. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  9. So glad that you're feeling better enough to work, it's been a long old haul for you. I used to advertise the shop by leaflet - we used to target different areas of our locale on a Sunday afternoon and deliver them. They were properly printed and contained a special offer if they brought the leaflet with them (no timeline). It worked a treat, people held onto the leaflet for ages, until it could bode useful to them. Might be worth a try! Sunday afternoons are apparently the best day to deliver according to marketing because people have time to read and pin rather than just straight to bin. I can't qualify that, I just took the advice!!

  10. The card for Shell is gorgeous.
    I have liked your FB page - I hope more business comes your way x
    Happy Wednesday

  11. What a sweet little pinafore. Good luck spreading the word. I find my FB page has brought quite a few new ladies to my classes. Certainly more than the £20 ad I put in a local magazine! Happy Wednesday to you Annie :-)

  12. Think I am a bit too far away at the moment (America?) from both you and my clothes that need altering. Will have to work something out when I get home.
    Glad you are feeling much better and back to normal - good luck with the advertising - will deffo share for you.
    Love Phoebes pinafore and Shell's card. Where do the years go? My son was 50 - ouch! at Christmas.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  13. Hi Annie, lovely to see you back at your desk and hope the sewing business gets a surge of work for you, so best finish up those pieces on your work table. Lovely card. Have a great week RobyO#36

  14. It looks as though you have been very industrious! I'm working on my own sewing skills at the moment (doing basic mends and repairs) but I've not quite reached master seamstress level! :)

    Good luck with the business. It can be slow work building it, but I'm sure you'll have repeat business from happy customers once you make a start!

    Clair WOYWW #25

  15. Yes where does the time go. I have that auto pattern you used on the card on my machine. We don't seem to use those much these days. Good luck eith your business x Jackie 26

  16. My goodness you've been having a busy time. Your new sewing room looks lovely. I love the poppy card. Enjoy your week. Barbxx #39

  17. I like the pinafore. I remember when I was little I had one I absolutely loved. I think I cried when I could no longer fit in it and had to throw it away. Thanks for the memories!

  18. New iPad, lucky you! The weather has been gorgeous here today, lots of snow and sun but I have to say I never wanted to ski and have been doing it for about 30 years. I was shall we say persuaded to take children skiing and after the first trip that was it! I couldn't stop but that's another story! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww crafting, Angela x 17

  19. Wow, a new iPad and a lovely birthday card for Shell. It's looking good at your place.

    I was sorry to read about the church flyer, but I'm not on Facebook, so can't like it, although I've asked a few of my followers and friends to do so. Hope you are able to use some of the ideas others have shared. I like the idea of advertising at schools and day care centers. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  20. I'm very late joining in - problems with adding photos.

    Hello Annie glad you better. Love the card. I will pop and see your page. Might even have a sewing job for you :-) Anne x #64

  21. Enjoy the new iPad :) Love the poppy card. Thanks for your visit earlier . Have a great week Soojay xx

  22. Glad you are feeling better and raring to go, Annie. Shell's card is beautiful though what our children are doing growing older beats me ... I wish they could have stayed small just a bit longer, like a few years longer :) The alterations you made on Phoebe's skirt are fabulous. Good luck growing your business. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #51

  23. I love your workspace! Love the birthday card! Like you I am wondering how those years have made it past me so quickly. Hope word gets out and business gets better. Unfortunately I don't know too many people in the UK or I would put out the word for you. Hope you have a great week and thanks for visiting my desk earlier. Vickie #61

  24. Loving your pinafore and makes. I've liked your FB page hope it goes well for you. I think you just have to keep sharing and hoping others share for you. I'll share yours if you share mine (Creative Together)!! Lol Take care Zo xx 37


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