Friday 8 January 2016

This week's smiles....week 152

Wahoo....I'm back.  A very happy New Year to you all.  I was missing in action last week [the first of 152 weeks that I missed to post any smiles].  I didn't feel much like smiling last week, I couldn't stop coughing and I felt washed out and weary.  Those b**** bugs had got the better of me.  It really took it's tole of me and has taken me longer than I planned to get back in the driving seat but I've listened to my body, rested lots and done all the right things and slowly but surely I'm on the road to recovery now......thankfully.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are now back to share lots of happy smiles with us......please link them below.

Here's a few of my smiles from over the last few weeks...

Little Steve is such a lovable little boy and such a character.  He loves to pose and pull faces if he sees a camera and I thought you'd like to see a few of his Christmas pics :-)

Don't you just have to smile at him?

All the family got together for our Christmas party at Amy's and of course we had to snap a few pics of all 5 of the little ones.

We really are blessed.

This is a pic we took of them 4 years ago and each year we have aimed to take the same pic so here's this year's pic.....

Boy how they've all grown.  There is always lots of giggles to get this pic and we are wondering if they will still let us snap one when they are in their 20s.  :-) :-) :-)

And this pic was taken in one of those brief moments when it wasn't raining of my gorgeous rose that is still blooming on out front garden.  It's such a pretty colour and it has the most beautiful perfume too.

There you go....those are my smiles.  Now please link your smiley posts below and share them with us.
Annie x


  1. Your photos made me smile especially the ones of them laying down.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. I'm glad you're feeling rested and a it better.
    Your grandies are making me smile. WhT a gdeat idea to have them all lying around the ground each Year. I bEt it's hilarious.
    Happy new year to you too

  3. Awwww. So glad you are feeling better now.
    Those photos of Steve are fabulous. So funny.
    I do hope the littlies will let you take their photos when they are grown up, only it may take a little alcohol in later years!!!!
    No joke from me today, just a smiley from Mum and I.

  4. Lovely to see you back on form and what great pics of your little gang, wonderful.
    Happy new year again to you
    Lynn xxx

  5. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better Annie. What a bad time to be ill too.

    The photos of little Steve are cute. He looks very comfortable with a guitar in his hands! Lovely photos of all the littlies.

    I'll be linking shortly. Barbxx

  6. Between the time I posted and the time you posted, I fell fast asleep. I guess I've got that bug you had last week. Can't seem to stay awake, or even warm. Glad you are feeling better, though.

    Steve is such a cutie, and he really DOES seem to feel comfy around a camera. Of course, the photo of all the grandees together made me laugh, especially at how much they seem to have grown. They've grown so much in the few months I've not been playing, I hardly recognized them.

    Happy New Year and Happy Friday Smiles.

  7. Haha! I hope they keep the tradition of the lying down photo - what fun!

  8. Morning just followed the link from Barb and have joined your site. Those Wee ones put a smile on my face today. Thank you.

    Crafty hugs Pen x

  9. Glad you are feeling better - those pics are fabulous. We often take similar photos of the kids together. Take care Zo xx

  10. Totally gorgeous pics - what a poser S is !!!!

  11. Fantastic photos Annie, quite a tribe you have there. I bet the children will get lots of smiles from these photos when they are a bit older. You must do the same pose in a few years time that would be great. Take care, Angela xXx

  12. What lovely smiles. I am not smiling today, we are waiting for a heating engineer. Had to turn oil off yesterday about 5 and no heating or hot water. Little fan heater is doing it's best but I just feel cold inside. Madam is bouncing about completely oblivious of course. ;)

  13. So happy that you are well and truly on the mend and ready to hit 2016 now. Great pics of the Munchkins but best of all is the repeat line up.... HOW they've grown. Five bundles of joy.
    Jo x

  14. Oh my, Annie, how those children have grown :) It seems like only yesterday the youngest were babies. Glad to see you are feeling better too. Who would have thought we would have roses in January. My lovely roses are now draped in snow and still looking beautiful. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  15. Hi Annie. I am so glad you are feeling much better. What a lovely time all the children had together. Believe me it is not easy getting a photo like that as they get older. Just getting them all in the same place at one time is hard work. I love to see all their smiling faces.
    Mum had a saying printed inside her desk that said "God gave us our memories that we might have roses in December", but these days we seem to get the real thing, even when it has rained enough to wash all the colour from them. That is such a pretty pink one. I am glad it survived to brighten your day. Kate x

  16. Hi Annie, and happy Friday, Saturday and Sunday...well all week, yes I'm late. Might as well add Happy New Year. I love your family photos this week, they are such a happy tribe of littlies, who yes are growing up so quickly...looks like they really enjoy each others company. Gorgeous rose, it's so hot here I envy you some of your cooolness. Hugs and enjoy Robyn

  17. Great to hear you are back in form and feeling better now. Gosh that was a good week.Congratulations on all those good things.
    I did giggle about the cat in the lunchbox!
    How horrible about Sam's car accident. So glad they are both OK.
    Have a good week,


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