Wednesday 2 September 2015


Another week has passed and I'm thrilled to say my new sewing room is almost completed but while the floors and walls are being done in the rest of the new part it is being used to store the plaster boards etc.  I am now emptying the cupboards in the make-do sewing room ready for the wall to be knocked down so my work desk is looking like this today....

I'm sure you can tell that to actually do any sewing I now have to move even more to get to my's chaos to say the least but in another few weeks we will have more space than we know what to do with hehehe.

This is the other thing on show today.....bathroom and tile catalogues to check out a few ideas.
Underneath are some new Expedit boxes we picked up from Ikea to go in my new sewing room....they are going to be used to store the contents of the wall cupboards that I need to empty for the next stage in the building all takes time but we will get there :-)

Thanks for calling in today.  If you leave me a little comment to let me know you've called then I will pay you a return visit ASAP.
Annie x


  1. Ooh Annie, every week it gets a bit closer to the big day when you can say "it's Finished!". Hope you have a bottle of fizz (anything not necessarily champers) ready and you will cut the ribbon on that day.
    Exciting or what? Even I am excited for you.
    Hugs, Neet 18 xx

  2. Wow, it's really coming along well! How exciting to be thinking about storage and where everything's going to go eventually....happy days :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 5 xx

  3. Lol - well I have bought a big hat ready for the ribbon cutting!!! Shout if you need a gofer. x Jo

  4. Hi Annie, happy WOYWW...ooowww more work, walls and floors and catalogues for choosing fittings...heaps of fun and sometimes not an easy task. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#22

  5. Can't wait to see it all done. Seems to be the time of year for redoing rooms. Thanks for the visit and healing hugs. Take care Zo xx 30

  6. You are doing and amazing job continuing to sew, play with kids and your great humour while building. Have a lovely week as your building grows around you.
    sandra de @33

  7. ooo exciting stuff :) Not too long now. Thanks for the visit earlier. Enjoy your weekxx Soojay

  8. Hi Annie not long now! nearly there. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 20

  9. It sounds like you're coping with all the work, Annie. It'll be great when it's all finished I'm sure. I remember wading through bathroom catalogues a couple of years ago when we had ours re done, it's very exciting. I still love it all today, two years on.
    Thanks for stopping earlier. I'm so glad you are still there!!
    Hugs Lisax #36

  10. It will be exciting when it's all completed! But for now you seem to be getting along even though you have to move piles to create. So looking forward to seeing how you fill all that new space. Diane #35

  11. It doesn't have the appearance of chaos, I must say! You must be taking great heart from the progress, it seems so rapid from here! More space than you know what to do with....hmm, I suspect you'll move into it with ease!

  12. Hi Annie, chaos, indeed - you and me both. It will all be worth it in the end. I've seen those Expidit boxes in lots of craft rooms and they are soooo tidy looking - probably could do to replace my ice cream boxes with a few of them but I have treated myself to some new storage for scrapbooking papers - the 12"x12" size is really difficult to find good storage so when I saw it I had to have it :) The decorating of the craft room is moving on a pace, the sewing table, really an old dressing table, is looking so much better for a couple of coats of paint, and the chap came to measure up for the new flooring this morning. Onwards and upwards! Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #37

  13. Ooh, not long now - I bet you can't wait. I can only dream of having more space than I know what to do with, and then I know that if I had it I'd fill it pretty quickly!! Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #26

  14. Ah Annie it is busy, busy, busy! that is for sure. Must be hard with all the noise, mess, interruptions and dust but as you say the end will be worth it all!
    Enjoying the progress though, love your smiles up above, wonderfully precious.
    Thanks so much for popping over.
    Happy Belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #27

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  15. More space than you know what to do with!? I don't think I'll ever see that happening to me.i used to have a really tiny desk and when I got my desk now, I thought it was more than enough. But now I am always looking for the desk as it is usually buried beneath all sorts. How wonderful too look forward to having newly planned and decorated areas. Belated happy WOYWW! I'm in the airport waiting to board my plane home and found some time to go visiting!

  16. Nice article to know about How exciting to be thinking about storage and where everything's going to go eventually. Find more information Foundation Boxes


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