Friday 4 September 2015

This week's smiles....week 135

There was another good turn out of bloggers sharing their smiles again last week.....keep them coming folks .......we can never have too many smiles.  Thanks to all who take the time to link up.

I am featuring Laura's gorgeous photo of her clematis this week.....what a stunning colour and how beautifully she captured it.  Thank you for sharing it Laura......keep snapping and sharing your amazing photos with us please.

My smiles have been many......the building work is coming along a little slower than first planned but we will get there.  My sewing room is nearly finished now but will be used as a store for the plaster boards needed for the rest of the work for a while so we can't set it up just yet......I just have to be patient!!!!!!

I have a few snaps to share....

Amy's three have been making the best of what's left of their summer holidays and have been having fun on their scooters :-)

Lexi has been training to be a mechanic on her bike  :-)

And they have all been having creative fun with their beads.....I do so love seeing them all being creative.  Aren't they fab too.

My grandees never fail to make me smile.  They are all growing up so quickly and I'm determined to make the best of every minute of it.

I hope you've enjoyed my smiles today and will snap something that's made you smile this week and link it up below.....I will be over to check it out ASAP.
Annie x


  1. Hi Annie, I'm taking part again after way too long. Where has this year gone too?
    Im guessing your room is gonna be awesome when finished, how exciting for you. Your grandkids are so gorgeous and growing so fast.
    i hope to join in more in the future.

    all the best

  2. Hi Annie and happy Friday. It's lovely to see the grandies playing outside together and it looks like lovely sunny weather. We're all looking forward to seeing you sewing room too - it won't be long and in the meantime you'll have the area all planned out ready to set up. Hugs and have a super weekend Robyn

  3. Hi Annie - I'm glad to be able to join this week. Like yours our grandchildren all growing up far too quickly. Our eldest GS gone into Year 6 this week. Seems only five minutes since we rushed up to Yorkshire to see him the day he was born. Love them all to bits. Anne x

  4. Morning Annie and a very Happy Friday to you and yours. How lucky you are to have your dear little grandies around. They do look as if they're having lots of fun together. I used to love my scooter when I was a child and living half way up a hill was a bonus! What lovely beadwork they've done. Obviously very creative littlies. Barbxx

  5. Thank you for the feature, big smiles here!
    That photo of Lexi is just brilliant
    Happy Friday

  6. Hello Annie and happy Friday!
    I love seeing the kiddies having a good time on their bikes. I grew up in Holland and was practically born on a bike, lol.
    I smiled at Lexi playing with the tools.
    Soon it will be back to school for that lot. I always enjoyed going to school after the holidays. I hope they do too.
    Have a good week with many smiles.

  7. Oo - lucky Lisca! We never enjoyed going back to school after the hols did we!! Fab pics - such a happy bunch. x Jo

  8. Don't they all look adorable on their scooters. :) Have a lovely week. Soojay x

  9. Love to see your. munchkins and love to be here seeing mine. School starts tomorrow for our little fraulein with all the celebrationsso looking forward to it all
    Jo x

  10. Hi Annie thanks for letting me know about this.
    Love your photos.
    Happy Friday, Angela x

  11. Hello
    Sorry I have taken so long to come back to you. Been on the phone most of the day and evening to John Lewis. Not good!!! Let's say I had to cancel my order for my washing machine as they dropped the one that was supposed to be coming today!!!! Grrrrr! Not a Happy Friday for me!!
    Great pics of kiddies. You know which bead project I like!!

  12. Hi Annie. Lovely pics of the little ones again. Hasn't the summer break gone quickly?. Sorry my post is a bit of a marathon again, but I have had such a lovely week, so there was lots to write about. Kate x

  13. Hi Annie, slow with the comments but I guess you know why by now :) Love the photos of your grandchildren on their scooters - reminds me that I had one when I was little too. Lexi is quite a girl ... I wouldn't be at all surprised if you chooses a non-traditional career like car mechanic when she gets older - her choices will be much wider than ours ever were! Hugs, Elizabeth xx


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