Friday 13 February 2015

This week's smiles....week 106

It's so lovely seeing those of you taking time out of their busy lives each week to make the world a happier place by sharing their smiles.

This week I'm sharing someone that joins in every week.  I always make a cuppa and give myself time to read all she's written.  She shares her life in Spain with her lovely family and always adds all the smiles she's enjoyed during her week....esp all the wonderful skies that we both really enjoy finding faces in.  Thank you so much Kate for making the time to share your world with us.

My smiles this week have been many as always.  My family are always top of my list when it comes to reasons to smile.  I am such a proud Mum and Nanny and wallow in their achievements.  

Little Phoebe has had her first swimming badge but has to send away for her badge and certificate so I don't have a pic of that to share as yet.

Little Sam has had a nasty sicky bug this week so little Lexi had to go to playschool without her twinnie on Tuesday.  Mummy left her in tears but she very quickly stopped crying and managed her first day without him....they were really pleased at home time to be together again though and spent the evening hugging, cuddling and laughing together....they really do have a very special bond.  Get well soon little man.

My snaps for today are...

 Shell having fun time with Lexi...just in case you can't tell they are both being Anna from Frozen  :-)

These have given me sooooo much to smile about this week.  

As most of you will know we moved into our new little bungalow last August so this is the first Spring in our new home.  We had no idea at all what hidden treasures were planted but our back garden is coming to life at the mo.  I am so excited and really can't wait for it all to burst into bloom so I can share it all with you.  Isn't nature just amazing.  All these little treasures have been hiding from us, we had no idea at all that they were there and they feel like very special gifts emerging from the cold, frozen ground.  They are all coming up in the part of the garden we will be moving to build our new extension so once they have bloomed we will be moving them but will enjoy them where they are for this year.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit this week and will share all that's making you smile this week by linking them below.
Annie x


  1. Good morning
    I'm smiling because I've been messing about with lots of things this week but the thing that me chuckle was after I'd used some stain on my hands to WRECK my journal (As instructed), I forgot to wash my hands.
    I only realised when a friend I was visiting said what's that all over your face and hands. You should have seen the state of me.
    Think I need to look in the mirror more often haha.
    Have a lovely smiley weekend. I'm busy with the first of this year's Beginners Craft Workshops. Cakes to bake and tidying up to do today
    Lynn xx

  2. Every cloud.... I mean - if you had started your extension earlier you wouldn't have seen these little treasures at all. x Jo

  3. Hi Annie,just arrived home from having dinner at our daughters home and realized yes it was Friday, so am quickly posting my smiles....yes family like you are just so special. Also have to agree your garden is showing signs of spring and how exciting for you not knowing about these little gems. Glad you'll be able to rescue them as well. Have a wonderful weekend cheers Robyn

  4. Hi annie they do say don't they you shouldn't re work a new garden for a year because you never know what gems you will find ...... Snow drops always make me smile

  5. Leo's snowdrops are coming out too. He bought them with Granny at a National Trust visit way back in 2011 when hubby was on tour and my parents took the three of us left for a day out on my birthday. They have lived in various pots ever since until one day we have our own home and he can have his garden patch. :)

  6. How exciting to see what else will pop up! x

  7. Hi Annie,

    What a great photo. Oh, and how I wish I'd see some greenery but we are still buried in snow here. The rule of thumb is to not plant anything until after Mother's Day!

    Sorry I haven't been around. Sometimes working full time and then getting home exhausted I haven't done much blogging OR visiting. Oh how I miss it.


  8. Hello Annie and thanks for your lovely comment. How lovely it must be to see all the treasures of Nature popping up one by one.
    I love the snowdrops but mine keep moving and we think it must be the squirrels. Last year the clump I had in a flower bed disappeared but a clump of similar size popped out in the MIDDLE of the lawn. This year that's not to be seen but some have just popped up in another flower bed.
    Happy Valentines day,
    Jo x

  9. Hi Annie. Thanks for the thumbs up this week. You´ll need that cuppa for todays post. I´ve rambled on as usual!
    I hope the little man is better soon. Lexi is looking so grown up.
    How nice to find all those bulbs in your garden. I went mad and planted some real English flowers this year, but they are not rushing to grow!
    Have a good week. Kate x

  10. Love your photo's of spring: they really make me smile! Love the challenge too. I would love to share what makes me smile during the week, but my blog is in Dutch, so... not such a good idea I think?! I hope your little one is feeling better?
    Nice week to you and your family!

  11. I had a blog post planned and everything, then I lost my mouse. Not the kind the cats could catch, but the kind that makes your keyboard less cumbersome and more useful. Woes abounded as I tried to replace it. So, I was unable to link up with you.

    However,I stopped by to enjoy your smiles today. Shell and Lexi look like they are having fun, and I can't wait to see what is planted in that new garden you have "inherited."

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend and still smiling!

  12. The girls look beautiful and I love your pin-tucked blouses in the next post! How talented are you x


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