Wednesday 9 July 2014


Hello folks. Another chaotic week here at sewing by Annie's.....nothing new there :-)  I had two fun days with my little twinnie munchkins last Wednesday and Thursday so I played catch up big time with my sewing on Friday.  I even did two bridesmaid fittings on Sunday and before the end of Sunday I'd shortened the two dresses and took the one in on the boned bodice!
Monday was a wonderful fun day with Jo and two other friends joined us for crafty fun in the morning.  The customer that sold me his wife's sewing machine and gave me a bin bag full of fabric last week brought me an even bigger bag full of amazing fabrics this week!  I tipped it all out on my table during our Monday morning's fun and the 4 of us did lots of oooing and awwing over it all.  We have decided that once we get moved we will have creative days together sewing items using the fabric and then donate our makes to our local hospice to raise funds :-).....sounds like a win win situation to, friendship and laughter will be had by all and the fabric will be used for the good of others :-)

Here's a glance at some of the fabric stash that will be put to good use....I was totally blown away by it all.

This is the state of my to do rail waiting for me today...shirts galore to alter, dresses to alter, trousers to shorten.....oh and I've got 4 zipped cushion covers to make, a top to shorten,.......the list goes on and on!!!! Yep I'm busy :-)

This is the last ATC I've received....thanks Kay I love it and the feathers [I'm guessing these were from the bird in the pic on the card but I hope you didn't pluck it :-) ].

And that's it from me for this week.  I shall be ploughing my way through my sewing mountain today but if you leave me a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x


  1. Hope that sewing mountain is soon dealt with! Welshpool for me today! x

  2. Yes, you are certainly going to be busy! Hope it all goes well, and have a good week.
    RosA # 5

  3. I can hear the machine going so I won't disturb you but must mention that fabric stash, isn't it fabulous. How kind of him to think of you.
    Have a good week
    Lynn xx

  4. What a wonderful gift you have received there, Annie. Amazing pile of fabrics. Have fun when you have moved - note WHEN, not IF!!! Trust the sewing mountain gets seriously depleted today - I don't know how you do it all - I think of how long it has taken me to do the wedding dress - not that it can take me that long to do the second, or the poor bride will be walking up the aisle in a rather pretty petticoat!
    Thanks for visiting and your kind comments re John. I appreciate the way folk have given me such support.
    Margaret #19

  5. Fab feathers! Lovely atc.
    As for the fabric, can just imagine the fun you had oohing and aahing over it - the spotty one looks great.
    Gosh Annie, I don't know how you fit all you do into the day. You are a busy girl, so much sewing and altering done and to do. And planning a move into the bargain! Think I will go and sit down and have a cuppa now, exhausted just thinking about your work.
    Hugs and Smiles, Neet xx 6 (and thanks for your early visit, means a lot)

  6. Hello Annie. You certainly are very busy. How wonderful to receive all those fabrics. I so envy your sewing skill. Creative days sound wonderful. Hope the alterations get done quickly. Hugs Anne x #35

  7. How wonderful to be in the receiving end of a gift of stash! I really love the fact that you're going to use it for and Jo are kind hearted gals :-)
    Hope the sewing Everest decreases today!
    Hugs, LLJ 21 xx

  8. What a generous gift. I love the way you are going to put it to use. Thanks for making time to stop by in your very busy day xx

    Fiona #25

  9. Busy busy busy!!! How time flies huh. Happy WOYWW. ♥ Karen ♥ 46 x

  10. Smiling at the thought of Kay plucking live birds...!! Great to see your racks full I must say, and yep - a fab idea to use up that lady's fabrics. I think all of us would wish our stash to go to someone who could use it like that.

  11. Looking forward to seeing the amazing things you will create from all that fabric. I love a win/win situation.
    Sandra de @55

  12. Hullo Annie.. wonderful stash gift.. and what a great idea to use it in thar way..
    ... funny how we bloggers are full of to do lists isn't it??
    Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz x #13

  13. Busy, busy, busy. Love all that fabric and can't wait to see what gets created, x

  14. Oooo! I would love to come and rummage through that fabric with you. Pity we didn't live closer!

  15. Hi Annie,

    That's a great pile of fabric! What a wonderful idea to get together with friends and make items for the hospice shop!

    The feathers are from my bird, Poppy, so no plucking was required! So glad you finally got your ATC!

    I'm not participating in WOYWW this week but wanted to stop by and say hello!


  16. You are one busy lady. That's a very nice stack of fabric. #7

  17. Wow, you certainly are busy! What an amazing gift all those lovely fabrics are and like minded friends to share the fun with. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#77)

  18. Hi Annie, your customer's wife had quite a stash ... what a great pile of fabric! I think it's a fab idea to get a sewing bee together - the hospice will no doubt be delighted to benefit :) You did well to get through that sewing mountain today. Me, I've not touched my desk ... I'm pacing myself :) Hugs, Elizabeth x #56

  19. Thanks for already fitting me in.. what a pile of fabric fun, and how wonderful that you are going to put it to such good use.

  20. Don't envy you with all those alterations but then you must have had loads of fun with all that lovely fabric - great idea you have there! Chrisx47

  21. And more fabrics, you are going to have lots of fun.
    Chris #32

  22. You weren't kidding! Mega busy! Such a lovely thing to do with the fabrics too!

    Thanks for stopping by mine, was lovely to 'see' you :)

    Carmen #81 x

  23. Hey annie..... at least you are never bored. amazing stash and well done on putting it to good use is the sale going BTW
    janet #20

  24. People are so kind aren't they and it sounds like you are going to put all that fabric to very good use.
    Good Luck with your sewing mountain and thanks for stopping by already.
    Hugs Lisax 36

  25. It looks very busy at yours.
    Hope you manage to et everything finished.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x #41

  26. Hi Annie Happy WOYWW - I know you girls will a wonderful time with the pile of fabric and all for a good cause. Hope you find time for some alterations this week. Cheers and have a great week RobynO#28

  27. Impressive rack of clothing to be altered!!! Also impressive is all that cloth. I will be looking forward to all the makes you, Jo, and your friends create! Have a great week and thanks for already visiting my desk. Vickie #82

  28. Thank you for visiting me, Annie! Oh my, that is a lot of work you've done and still have to do! Good thing you have your grandees to enjoy and give you a break (those are lovely pictures of them in the previous post!)
    Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@12

  29. Whoa Nellie! That's a ton of fabric. Fab to hear you'll sew and donate to hospice. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #76 a bit late


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