Friday 4 July 2014

This week's smiles.....week 76

Another week has flown past and it's been one full to the brim with things to smile about....some of which can be seen in the last post.  I count my blessings every day.

Many joined in again last week by linking up their smiles and I thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy lives to share with us.  This week I am featuring two newcomers on our smiley link up...
  1. Robyn over in Australia with her racy advert for a Peep magazine back 64 years ago :-) and
  2. Eliza's post over in Australia with her stunning skies.
Welcome to you both from the other side of the world girls.  Thanks for joining in the fun and please come back again.

Now for my smiles this week, by popular demand, I am sharing some pics of the twinnies that have made me smile this week....

The first pic is one of a set of professional pics Shell had taken as a gift from her sister for her 3th Birthday....isn't it just stunning?

This one really makes me smile...they really do love each other this much....
........most of the time :-)
And don't you just love black and white photos?

I think this one says it all....Not sure whether the photo session was too long or whether Lexi was just showing the photographer just how she could do a moody pose for her.  I love it and it always makes me chuckle.

This is one of the latest artworks from's a duck [of course!]
Sam has always been the artist up til now but this one shows Lexi has hidden talents doesn' it?....not bad for a 2 year old :-)

And this last photo is to make Shell smile...or not as the case may be :-)
My darling hubby and I went to the Shrewsbury Food Festival on Saturday to have a break from clearing out and boxing up getting ready for our move and as well as food stalls there was a lot of very talented creative stands there too.  This one had all sorts of wooden creations on from toadstool and wooden flowers to tables and chairs but what we saw on this table really made me squirm.

It was huge and far too realistic for my liking.  Shell is like me and has a real phobia for spiders but I just couldn't resist taking this pic to share with her.  :-)

So there you go....I really do have lots that has made me smile this week.  How about you?  Please join in the fun by linking up below.


  1. The professional shots of those twins is really something. They are simply adorable. What struck me was how much Lexi's hair has grown this past year.

    Speaking of Lexi, she is quite the artist. I was truly impressed, because she can draw better that I!! Seriously.

    I'm with you and Shell. Spiders are NOT my favorite "pet." And with all this rain we've been getting lately, they want to be indoors where it's dry.

    Have a great weekend, and a smiling Friday, dear friend. Thanks for checking in on me this week. I've sort of fallen off the grid (so to speak) because real life has gotten in the way.

  2. What great photos of the twins! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. My how the Twinnies have grown! Fabulous pics of them. Love their spontaneity ...their love of each other and life really shows. Cool spider art. Tho I agree can't stand the real things. Hugs

  4. My favourite little friends and I don't mean that bl.... big spider - yuk!!! x

  5. Aren't they just adorable. The pics are fabulous xx

  6. Sam's face in the first picture - just gorgeous! Such a great smile :)

  7. Hi Annie, lovely photos of the twins they sure do make you smile BUT I too was a bit worried about the spider, looks too real. Have a wonderful week and thanks for the welcome. Hugs Robyn

  8. Last night I was on Facebook and someone had flagged up an article about a woman who makes these sort of spidery, vile looking cakes!!! will try to find it and share it with you! chilling!!

  9. My word, those twins are growing up fast. I hardly recognised them in the thumbnails on Bloglovin. It is a lovely set of photos though. I like the sad pout from young Lexi. All the little girls seem to be good at that one1
    The spider is way to realistic for me. I can't imaging anyone wanting him for a decoration!
    Have a good week.
    Kate x

  10. Those photos of twins are fabulous! Our sons had some done of our grandchildren as a present for us - make me smile every time I look at them. Sorry cannot join in again :-( x

  11. Amazing photos of the twins...they really are stunning. As for the spider...shudder! Thanks for the smiles. Caro x (#8)

  12. Fabulous photos of your beautiful twins, x

  13. These pictures are stunning. I love black and white too. Love the pouting Lexi look too!
    You can keep the spider!


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