Wednesday 5 February 2014


Happy snooping day to all that call in this week.  I am joining in because I really think I would have withdrawal symptoms if I didn't but I'm really not feeling very creative or productive at all this week.  My cold has come back and I'm fed up to the back teeth with chasing estate agents and solicitors over our house move.....I'm not sure why they have to be paid so much money cos I seem to be the one that's doing the work.  We had a 4th viewing from our buyers on Sunday and they have now moved out, put their furniture in store and are waiting to move in here asap so I've spent my spare time chasing all concerned to get a moving date soon....keep everything crossed folks.

I am sharing my rainbows of knitted squares with you today because I just love the colours...

That's all I have to share today but hope my 'rainbow' made you smile.
Annie x


  1. Hope that cold goes away for good soon! That little woolly rainbow is lovely. x Jo

  2. Hi Annie
    Estate agents are very frustrating ang I agree about their costs dd2 is going through the same thing but really wants to get out of her rented place .
    By the way the baby wipes have been used to clean stamps not bottoms ..... But you knew that right?
    It made me laugh though
    Janet @8

  3. Such a lovely colour palette showing your craftiness despite feeling poorly and low! They'll make a beautiful blanket.Hope you and "things" are better soon.
    Jo x

  4. Sounds like you are a bit run down with all the stress of the move, Annie. Take care of yourself and hope you get your moving date soon. Love that rainbow of squares.
    Hugs Lisax #54

  5. Fingers crossed things get moving, excuse the pun Annie.
    Kikki says hello and likes your lovely array of colours xx

  6. That's a lovely swooshing of rainbows pretty! Chin up about the moving, it will all happen......
    Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

  7. Oh you poor thing - a headful of snot and that feeling that nobody's doing's vexing and infuriating. Take heart girly,it has to happen and with you on the case, it will. And then, joy! It will be worth the wait. Love the rainbow squares, how come my scraps and bits don't ever come up to that sort of loveliness?

  8. It can be so frustrating waiting for a moving date, then when you get one it all happens so fast! Your squares look great love the way you've arranged them in a rainbow!

  9. Beautiful colours and I am sure it will look a treat when you have finished. All the best with your move (hopefully soon).
    Sandra @59

  10. It really is a pretty rainbow and so delicate. Sorry you are having hassle with the house move Annie it must be very frustrating. I have only moved house once and that was enough.
    Thanks for visiting
    Happy Wednesday.
    Ann B

  11. Oh what a shame you are not well. I spent Monday looking after my GD Phoebe who has a nasty cold- I'm expecting I might be next :-( Love the 'rainbow of squares - I need to push on with mine! I agree with you re solicitors etc - I remember when we moved it was us that did a lot of the work whilst paying them. I do hope you get that date soon. Anne x #63

  12. Pinkies crossed you get a date soon.
    Your rainbow looks so pretty
    Happy Wednesday

  13. I'm hoping beautiful colors you have shared will help you feel beter. Nothing worse than a cold and slow moving ideas. A little prayer to St. Jude for you and yours. It's hard to be in limbo. I think we all need some sunshine, flowers and a lolipop I've had camera problems so not posting this week. Enjoy a hot toddy and Best Wishes.

  14. What a nightmare of a time you seem to be having at the moment Annie. Hope you feel better again soon
    Happy woyww Jill #35

  15. Estate agents are nothing but a pain in the arse. I am actually feeling sorry for you all the crap you have to go through, if only we could do it ourselves they would be out of pocket, but they have us where they need us and we pay them.

    I am loving your rainbow of colours they certainly are bright and cheerful, try and stay positive, get well soon too.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12
    Happy WOYWW

  16. I can quite understand what you are going through in my line of work. Estate Agents are sitting pretty as they get more than double solicitors who do the flipping work!
    Love your rainbow.
    Keep your chin up Honey. It is all for a reason!

  17. Sorry your cold has come back - it's probably all this running around you're doing with the move - hope you get a date soon! I know from working in the industry that it can be a real pain... love all your squares you've found time to do.
    Helen 7

  18. Hang on in there! I remember the frustration but once you've moved it will all be worth the hassle-hoping they get a move on! Love your knitted rainbow! Thanks for visiting, Chris#70

  19. Very interesting. You are a busy lady.

  20. Gorgeous squares, such pretty colours.
    Sorry to hear about your cold and about all the messing about you have been having to do. Hope it sorts itself out before long.
    Heading for home later today,
    Brrr .....
    Thanks for the visit earlier.
    Hugs, Neet xx 22

  21. Love your woolly rainbow, bright and cheerful in this depressing weather. I hope you soon get that moving date. Maybe you should count up how many hours you have spent doing the jobs of others and present them with a bill. have a good week. xx Maggie #3

  22. A lovely rainbow! Well done on all the squares. You have my sympathies over the move. My son has given up. He and his partner are moving into a smaller flat that they own but have been renting out, until their house is sold. The buyers pulled out at the last minute again, and the strain was getting to them, so they are walking away for now! I hope you are a safe distance away from the floods this year. i was thinking of you when they showed the River Severn bursting its banks. Kate x

  23. I thought I should return your Wednesday visit before I write my Friday Smiles post. Yes, I'm really far behind this week. Hope to have some quality computer time tomorrow, though.

    I simply do NOT understand all this you go through in England and other countries when it comes to selling and buying houses. This would have me SO frustrated. Thankfully, I've never had the experience. I might add this will more than likely be my last home, too. It's too expensive to move (grin) and I have a great craft house.

    Like the color AND design of these squares.

  24. what wonderful colors in your rainbow! i know what you mean about withdrawal symptoms. my blog would have disappeared by now if not for WOYWW. thanks for your prayers, Annie. much appreciated.

  25. Gorgeous rainbow! Thanks for sharing. Happy Belated WOYWW. Caro x (#57)

  26. You poor thing, all that cold and trying to organise a move too. I do sympathise, I have three lots of friends in the throes of selling houses, and they all are turning grey over the lack of communication from solicitors and slow progress.
    Love your rainbow fabrics
    Chris # 55


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