Friday 7 February 2014

This week's smiles ...week 55

We had a good turn out last week with lots of fab posts being linked up here each sharing their smiles.  The weather here at the mo is so very wet and gloomy so it's really lovely to be cheered up by our blogging friends so thanks to each and every one of you who takes a little time out from their busy lives to brighten the days of others.  

I am featuring Elizabeth's post from last week because she went that extra mile to make me [and Jo] feel special.  You really are a gem Elizabeth and I know we have never met but the world really is a smaller place when someone as far away as you are can make me feel that way.  Thank you.

Trust me when I say I have had many moments of roller coaster lows recently but hopefully things are now on the up so I'm still smiling  :-)  I never have to look far for a smile of course and this week I have a few snaps to share with you....

Here is the local shop with the till being manned by Sam.  :-)
They play so well together and they really make us chuckle with what they come out with.  Sam kept shouting....'can you please come to the tills'...guess he's heard that while shopping with his mummy.  :-)

Here is Lexi waving as she passed her mummy while doing a bit of indoor cycling.  :-)

She insists on wearing her helmet...even indoors  :-)

Lexi is trying on dresses in readiness for being a flower girl in August when our son gets married.

Her mummy has been teaching her to pose and pull funny faces...and of course she is very happy to oblige.  :-)

She has her mummy's wicked sense of humour!!!

My last photo is of my little 'guardian angel' that always appears when I need a smile.  All day yesterday my little robin kept sitting on the guttering and just looking at me through the window where I sit to sew.  He was happy to pose so I could share him with you.  :-)

I really hope you have found something to smile about this week and will share your smiles with us too.  Please link them below and I will call in to pay you a visit as soon as I'm able.
Annie x


  1. First, I am in tears right now. You have touched me like no one could this cold, snowy, dark day. Thank you beyond words for your kindness. And yes, although we have not met in person, your friendship means a lot to me and I feel we are truly friends.

    Lexi is going to be the model of the group, isn't she? She is such a doll, and of course, I can't forget Sam, either. I bet they make a real pair and (at least for the time being) seem to be inseparable.

    Have a great Friday and weekend. I sure hope that move gets sorted out soon. I'm still flabbergasted by wait and hoops you have to walk through.

  2. Great pics - never a dull moment with those two is there!! x Jo

  3. Ha! Lexi's pose is brilliant!! Wonder what she'll do for the wedding pics..?
    We have two robins at the moment. Still not worked out if it is a male and a female, but I'd sure love some chicks in a few months.

  4. love your resident robin, i find them very special too.
    Have a fab smiley week and thanks for letting us all share them on your blog.
    Gill x

  5. I too have a resident Robin and Jack Black the Blackbird too. It's so lovely to see them regularly. I'm wondering what you bought in the Munchkin shop from those cuties? Probably only sell sweeties and ice cream.
    I'm linking my yesterday post as it was such a good day and I'm still smiling every time I see all my bargain fat quarters. It doesn't take a lot to please me but I was smiling all though the show.
    Just received Jo's parcel too so will add it in.
    love Jo x

  6. Loving the shop and of course that wonderful pose! Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#6)

  7. Hi Annie, I've been missing for a while so had to miss the fun of the Friday smile for a while but I'm back online again so enjoyed joining in again this evening. Your post certainly made me smile, especially reading the quote from Sam ... the little one's do not miss a trick, do they :) And Lexi is such a little comic too ... she does look gorgeous in that dress. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth xx

    PS: we have a 'pet' robin in our garden too.

  8. Oh Annie she is so lovely. Sorry not joined in again - life can be trying at times as you well know and I hope that things improve for you very soon. Anne x

  9. That little Lexi is a real poser isn't she? I love the shop. It is lovely to see them playing so well together. My friend had twins, a boy and a girl, and she always said they ganged up on her!
    I am glad your little robin is still around. Hopefully he'll find a mate and set up home there. Kate x


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