Friday 15 November 2013

This week's smiles ....week 44 and the quiz results

Well, what a week of giggles I've had.  I had so many wonderful answers to my quiz...rather a lot of them focused on parts of the male anatomy!  What are you like?  I did eventually get a few of you with the right answer and as you had to work really hard with those brain cells to get there I am sending out a little something to the first three correct answers.

What I had to make was a soot sheet for our chimney sweep.  The tube part is where he puts his brushes and them he secures the sheet part around the flue he is cleaning....yes, folks they no longer send a little child up to sweep them lol.  As you can imagine modern chimney flues come in all sorts of sizes these days including  wood and multi fuel burners and the large soot sheets our sweep can buy just don't fit.....hence his challenge for me.

So? Who guessed right?  Drum roll.................ta da da da da

  1. Di from Pixie's Crafty Workshop
  2. Nan G from Froggy designs
  3. Jenny from Winnibriggs House
Well done girls.  Yes Di, I guess it's not the most sensible of colours but calico doesn't come in other colours round here and the ones the chimney sweeps buy are made of the same fabric.
Can you each email me with your postal name and address and I will get a little something in the post to you as a thank you for taking part.

Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a happy pic from me.

As you know my little munchkins come to play with Nanny Annie while their mummy works as a teacher on a Monday and Tuesday.  They arrive at silly-o-clock in their pyjamas and like to send their mummy a photo each day to tell her they love her and to wish her a good day at school.  As you can see Bobby Bear insisted on getting in on the act this week and this really made me smile.

That's all from me for today.  Thanks again for my week's giggles and taking time out to take part in my little quiz.  Well done to the winners.

Please take a snap of what's made you smile this week, post it on your blog and link it below to share your really does make the world a happier place.

Annie x


  1. goodness im first! Morning Annie, thanks for cheering us up again, i have needed it this week. Who would have guessed the answer to your quiz, not me. well done to those who did. I was thinking along the naughty man part lines too Hee hee.

    have a lovely week
    Gill xx

  2. well.......... who would have thought it !!! well done to the winners, more brain cells than me lol

  3. I would never have guessed!! Love the photo. I will see what I can find that has made me smile this week. x Jo

  4. Ha! For once in my life I was right - yay, yippeee!!

    Adorable piccies of the little ones - so cute :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  5. I shared last weeks post with DH and now My hubby will be glad to know the answer!! He hates not knowing something.
    I so wish my grandkids lived close to be able to bop in in the middle of the wee hours. You are blessed.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Aww bless. They look so cute and innocent! For now!

  7. Congratulations to those who guessed the answer to the quiz! I just love your inventiveness at finding a sensible solution for him. That picture of the twins is adorable! Thanks for the smile. Caro x (#6)

  8. I love your munchkins, and are you doing a DIY chimney sweeping job there?

    Why not, I am sure my father in law used to do his own.

    Cazzy x #87

  9. Such a cute pic of your grand kiddies and it looks like you have done a great job with your curtain for the chimney sweep. Have a great week! Danie #31

  10. Ahh you are lovely to aend their mummy a photo each time - I would love that if I had to work and leave them.

    Chimney sweep. As soon as I told my husband he said oh yes if course, the colour put us off I suppose. They would take done washing xxx


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